Consolidated Booming votes from Jul 29 to Aug 04, 2024.

in Steem Alliance7 months ago

Greetings fellow.

August started very hard for the cryptocurrency market, to the point of seeing BTC down to $50K, and Steem down to $0.13, although it is a normal behavior, it always generates alarm among coin holders, however, this does not stop the activity in Steemit, today we have a large number of users committed to interact on the platform and share good quality content. interaction continues. On the other hand, the SteemcuratorXX and Booming support programs continue to provide their usual contribution to value good activity.

After the first week of August, it is time to present the results of the Booming program managed by the communities to support their dynamics.

The Booming program continues to register support for the 26 selected communities.


The following is the administration of the communities in relation to the use of Booming votes during the period from Jul 29 to Aug 04.

During this period there has been stability in terms of interaction, where some communities have benefited thanks to the loyalty of users, who have been favored with a good amount of content. Among the most outstanding communities is Steem For Ladies, with 267 active posts, followed by Hind Whale Community and Comunidad Latina, with their 220 and 217 active posts respectively. Among all the communities supported by the Booming program, there are 3377 active posts (14 posts less than last week).

Below we can see the number of active posts and the number of Booming votes received per community, as well as the percentage of support relative to the number of active posts in that community.

CommunityPost ActiveVotes Booming% Support
Steem For Ladies2674316%
Hind Whale Community2203516%
Comunidad Latina2172712%
Steem Kids & Parents1784726%
Steem For Pakistan1694325%
Steem For Betterlife1622918%
Steem Venezuela1522818%
Steem For Bangladesh1443927%
Recreative Steem1342922%
Steem Fashion&Style1212823%
Steemit Iron Chef1202823%
Healthy Steem1182824%
Scouts y sus Amigos1174337%
Hot News Community1143430%
Steem SEA1113733%
Venezolanos Steem1031414%
Ukraine on Steem901517%
Steem Entrepreneurs813240%
Incredible India734258%
Steem Cameroon681624%
Traveling Steem641016%
Steem of Animals612744%

Continuing with the summary, we present a comparison of this week's management in relation to the last period. During this week, 792 votes were distributed (-10 compared to the previous week) among 482 users (-11 compared to the previous period).

Considering last week's report, We can see that this week there was a regular distribution, as we continue to see a good number of users with more than 3 votes. The alert is made due to users with up to 6 and 7 votes, which reduces the chances of supporting more users.

Below is the graphical distribution of the votes provided by the Booming program.

Below is a list of the top 20 users with the most support.


In addition, we can see a summary of support by country, community and club.

Votes according to Clubs.

Votes according to Country

Votes according to Community

Below, I share the support of the Booming program according to "years of user creation", taking into consideration 100% of the consolidated data, generating the following result.

Votes according to year of account creation.

Below is a summary table of the community accounts and users with the highest number of votes received from the same community, information that may be relevant for the next distribution of votes. The results show a balance in terms of votes received by the community accounts. In relation to the users we can see an acceptable distribution, observing a decrease of users with more than 2 votes received by the same community.

5 Community accounts with the most votes received

#CommunityCommunity AccountVotes
1Steem For Betterlifesteembetterlife3
2Steem Entrepreneurssteempreneurship3
3Steem Cameroonsteem-cameroon3
4Scouts y sus Amigoshive-1811362

5 users who received the most votes by the same community

1saintkelvin17Steem For Pakistan3
2walictdSteem SEA3
3ikwalSteem Entrepreneurs2
4yenny47Comunidad Latina2
5pea07Steem For Bangladesh2

The Booming support program is reaching more and more users, this week 06 users were supported for the first time. Below are the 5 users with the most votes who received this support for the first time..

5 users who have received votes for the first time.

1nurulridhaaIndonesia11/12/2023Steem SEA
2syidah01Indonesia11/5/2024Steem Entrepreneurs
3hamnahghauriNigeria11/6/2024Steem For Ladies
4sabbirakibBangladesh11/6/2024Steem For Bangladesh
5fizabatoolPakistan11/7/2024Recreative Steem

5 users who received the most votes during the last 4 weeks.

1shiftitamanna (5)tammanna (5)missyleo (5)sriiza (7)
2ikwal (5)mini80 (5)kuzboy (5)zulay7059 (6)
3sur-riti (4)ciru2014 (5)ikwal (5)rakiya (6)
4shohana1 (4)yenny47 (4)enrisanti (5)abi24 (6)
5shikhurana (4)steempreneurship (4)dave-hanny (5)mbetobongluke (5)

It is important to value the work of each community, who must make sure to support original content related to the users committed to the platform.

Relevant information

To learn about the communities that handle booming votes, you can visit this link.

The selected communities must keep in mind the following guidelines from the Steemit team:

  • The user must "at least" be within #club5050 (preferably).
  • Communities must direct a maximum of 2 votes per user each week.
  • The user must maintain good activity on the platform, sharing plagiarism-free content.
  • The user must not use in voting service.
  • A user who is a moderator in several communities must not receive more than 2 votes between them.
  • Communities should moderate most or all of the posts that are shared in the same.
Those responsible for each community must at least leave a moderation comment in the publication they choose to receive Booming votes.

If you wish to know the complete list of the users that received support during the period Jul 29 to Aug 04, just click on the following link

Other recommendations:

  • Use the Steemseven tool managed by @alejos7ven (New server).
  • Keep up to date with the information shared in the Booming channel on Discord.
  • Schedule Booming votes for the following week to users who have more than 2 votes in the same community or 3 in general.
  • Do not promote votes to publications more than 5 days old.

This report is intended to show the extent of support achieved through the Booming program, and to provide information for a better management review.

Information generated using the Venezuelan time zone.


I thank you for the support and attention you have given me.

I cannot say goodbye without first inviting you to join the #Club5050, where the goal is to accelerate the growth of our accounts to provide greater support in our communities.

To be part of the #club5050, you just have to make sure that during the last month you have more Steem activated than Steem withdrawn.

Let's go for more

World Of Xpilar




Wow!!! Your report is just getting better and better!
Thank you!

Votes according to year of account creation.

I LOVE this! It is amazing to see the influence that COVID had on Steemit.

5 users who have received votes for the first time.

Thank you for adding the community!

 7 months ago 

I am glad to know that the report is showing interesting information. Your observation was very good and I appreciate that.

Thank you very much for your support.

You are welcome my friend!

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

Muy buen trabajo, lo felicito hacer un reporte muy detallado sobre los votos booming.
Saludos cordiales.
Muchas Bendiciones..🙏🏻

 7 months ago 

Me algera que sea de su interés, muchas gracias por el apoyo.

Wow amigo! un reporte realmente bien detallado de cómo está distribuido todo, con estadísticas, números, porcentajes y usuarios beneficiados de verdad; que es sumamente importante este tipo de reportes y aparte de eso me imagino el tiempo que invirtió haciendo todas las estadísticas y los seguimientos muy dedicado!!!

Esto me recuerda en mis tiempos cuando trabajaba como asistente contable que había que llevar muchos números, luego a transformarlos en porcentajes, graficar etc, etc...las matemáticas no mienten!

Gracias por compartir con nosotros esta maravillosa y ardua tarea. Que dedicación! Simplemente admirable!!!


 7 months ago 

Saludos amiga @mini80

Me alegra que se a de su interés. Es importante llevar la gestión de programas de apoyo como estos para ver los resultados, y hacer los ajustes de ser necesarios para mejorarlo. Los números nos reflejan muchas cosas que debemos analizar.

Muchas gracias por su apoyo.