Full Time School Will Be In Place Next Week?
Hi Everyone,
Breaking news from Sydney! There is news that students across NSW will be going back to school full-time next week! At the moment, Baby E has been attending face to face classes once a week since the 11th of May so that was a good relief. Lockdown have eased as we are in Phase 1 and will gradually move it to Phase 3 where we see most people back to work and school. I wasn’t expecting this news to be so soon and at no point I am excited about it at this stage.
As our state is waiting for the Premier to confirm the date, it’s all over the media and it seems really real at this stage. From 1 day a week for our kids just 7 days ago to full time back at school seems too quick. I am not excited one bit but rather more anxious about all this happening. I don’t want our kids and family to be at risk. We all know that the virus will hang around for 14 days and we are easing everything in one go, isn’t that a bit too risky? Risky to the point we can’t wait for 14 days to see the infection rate to determine if we should continue easing the restrictions?
We could be un-doing everything we have done for the past 3 months. We could be in a worse position than we would ever be. We could be in a position we don’t want to be at all. We had our designated drop off and pick up last week for our 1 day a week schooling and even that there were parents outside the school grounds with very minimal social distancing because there were so many of us around. I can’t imagine what it will be like when the whole school is back if it happens. Are we really ready for this?

animation by @catwomanteresa

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