Behind The Photo contest - Winners of Edition #7!

It's again time to announce the winners, this time of the seventh edition of the Behind The Photo contest!
The previous edition delivered 30 entries, and we were truly delighted by that, a record for this contest. However, this the 7th edition decided to double down on us...literally...
The 7th edition brought us a whopping 60 entries! This is truly magnificent, and we really hope that the upward trend continues. We love going through all the entries, and judging by comments from some of the entries, so do you guys, which is fantastic!
Many new participants told interesting stories, and we saw some familiar "faces" from previous editions as well, who had new and captivating stories behind their photos to tell. The quality of the posts were overall - as has now become the norm - very impressive and the 'story strength' was absolutely through the roof.
This contest has continued to grow, and we hope that we can continue to spread the word to get even more people to participate, as well as keep those who return with another entry, interested! If you want to take a look at all the entries, you can look for the #behindthephoto tag, or even better take a look at the feed of @behindthephoto --> here. If you like what you see in an entry, consider giving the author a follow and/or a re-steem.
We want to say a BIG thank you to everybody who participated. We know that it's not always an easy task to share stories behind photos, whether they are very personal, or very technical in nature (or both), so we truly value everybody's efforts. Hopefully, you thought it was as fun to create your entries (and look through the other ones), as we though it was reading all the stories behind the photos!
Edition #8 will be launched later this week, so keep an eye out for the #behindthephoto tag, tell all your friends, post a link in your discord servers, spread the word and share the contest in any way you think is appropriate. We have a STEEM account specifically for this contest, so if you like the contest and want to be notified on your feed, you can give @behindthephoto a follow. @behindthephoto will re-steem all valid entries, so doing that is a very easy way of following the contest and to find all the entries.
Finally, we want to thank our sponsor @appreciator (co-founder of the GEMS community) for helping us with supporting this contest! You can read more about the GEMS community here.

Without further ado, below you'll find the winners of edition #7. Until the next edition of Behind The Photo, take care of each other, be safe and be well!
Third place:

Behind The Photo contest - Edition #7 - Own house
Second place:

A little friend visited us "Behind The Photo" - Un amiguito nos visitó detrás de la foto

First place:

Behind the Photo - The Mountain Through the Hole in the Rocks

Felicitaciones a los ganadores , en especial a mi amigo @pablo1601.
Prize transfers have been made to all three winners.
Many congratulations to @oldmans, @danielvehe and @pablo1601, and we hope to see you in the next edition of Behind The Photo!!!
many thanks! I have been pleasantly surprised
Excelente!! Felicitaciones a los ganadores, @oldmans , @danielvehe y @ pablo1601 que sigan las excelentes publicaciones. Saludos cordiales para todos.
wow ...... thank you very much! I have no words to thank us for the opportunity to participate in this wonderful contest!
Thanks @nelyp, @ johan.norberg, @behindthephoto for organizing the contest and @appreciator for sponsoring the contest!
I am happy with this nice news!
Congratulations to all of you and to you @nelyp for this initiative that motivates us to continue.
Thank you so very much and congratulations to the other winners @danielvehe and @pablo1601 and to everyone that entered! I also want to thank @appreciator for their sponsorship of this contest, and to @nelyp, @johan.norberg and everyone else involved in running it and judging the entries. I am truly grateful for the recognition and reward! :)
Congratulations to the winners
Congratulations, nice picture.
Congratulations to the winners