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RE: From pot to plate - growing an indoor garden made easy

in GEMS5 years ago

We're in the middle of expanding our growing capacity here; normally we have just grown enough that we have some fresh veg during the summer; this year we are hoping to grow enough to store away for winter, as well. The ambition is to have as little as possible dependency on the mainstream supply chain.


That is a very smart move my friend. I have tried (and failed) for many years to grow enough to become self sufficient in the summer months, but the truth is I just don't have the space or time to give 100% commitment to it. I do have a larger than average garden, and a large portion of it is set aside for my growing, but it's just not enough. Through the summer I can probably get 3 days a week 100% homegrown meal preps. I'm hoping Mrs W will let me get some chickens to help fill out meals with eggs and meat.