Solar halo (weather phenomenon) Epic photos by @danielszone
A few days ago, when I was in my house quarantining, I was impressed to see through my window a circular shape around the sun.
I quickly went to find my camera and photographed this phenomenon that I had never seen in my life.
And I was able to get these photos:
According to the National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology (Inameh), a solar halo occurs when high clouds, made up of ice crystals, allow the sun to be seen through the refraction of light from these crystals.
In itself, a solar halo is a meteorological and optical phenomenon "that is produced by the refraction of ice crystals that are suspended in the troposphere," the layer closest to earth in the atmosphere.
Halo solar, el fenómeno que vieron los venezolanos este #5Abr
Taking advantage of the time I could take these photos and play with my creativity, I hope you like it:
I ran into a pole and took this photo, it makes it seem like the light is coming out of the tip of the pole.
My cousin helped me in this photo in which her silhouette and the circle around her were seen.
I found this little flower.
Then I noticed that I had pieces of glass next to me and this occurred to me:
I also did it with a Coca-Cola container.
I did the same with my glasses.
And this was it, a great experience, thanks for watching!
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Sorry if I have a spelling mistake in English, I don't speak this language much and it is a little difficult for me to write in this language : ')