[ESP/ENG]Una paloma comiendo grano de maiz_A pigeon eating a grain of corn

in GEMS23 days ago

Hola queridos amigos hoy quiero compartir con ustedes una pequeña paloma que me encontre mientra salia de mi casa, al sali estaba en toda la entrada buscando que comer esta paloma siempre se para en la calle y comienza a comer los pequeño grano de maiz que van dejando los comiones cuando pasan porai, asi como esta paloma se baja y buscar los geano de maiz hay muchas que aveces se para en toda la calle.

Hello dear friends, today I want to share with you a little pigeon that I found while I was leaving my house. When I left it was all over the entrance looking for something to eat. This pigeon always stops in the street and starts eating the little grains of corn that the farmers leave behind when they pass by. Just like this pigeon gets down and looks for the grains of corn, there are many that sometimes stop all over the street.



