The Wedding Vow
My love, my heart, my everything,
It was just like yesterday we met at the tennis court,
As I watched you play, I thought to myself "he is so hot",
You had sweat all over you yet..I saw a handsome man,
The first words you said to me was asking if I played tennis,
I said no but one thing led to another and you volunteered to teach me,
So began our love story....

Blue eyes...
I bless the day I found you,
In you I have found my home, a partner, playmate and a friend,
You make me laugh,
You comfort me when I cry,
You are my inspiration and a dream come true,
Thank you for accepting to love me, tease me, cry with me, laugh with and be there for me,
Thank you for accepting me for who I am,

I promise to love you, cherishing our moments together,
I promise to stay with you in your happy and sad moments because your happiness is my happiness, so also is your sadness,
I would love you when the rain falls and when the sun shines through all seasons,
I love you in spite of your qualities and I love you despite all your qualities,
You are mine as I am yours,
I love you, My Blue Eyes. ❤