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RE: The Season 22 SLC Country-Based Statistical Report

in arTeem2 months ago

Thank you for these statistics.

In the Class 5 Participating Countries pie chart Venezuela seems to be missing.

There seems to be another problem here...

Wrapping Up
A total of 20 countries participated with a total of 1437 articles submitted. Nigeria ranked the country of origin of the most participantions, totaled 377 or 26.24% of the total articles submitted. In second and third place were Nigeria (297; 20.67%) and Pakistan (282; 19.62%).

Nigeria seems to have taken both 1st and 2nd place.


Thanks for the correction. I have rechecked the whole report and made more corrections to the chart which seems to have the same problem of Legend failing to show all entries when there are many.

Kanyaknya bang, peringkat 1 itu Venezuela yang sebanyak 377 atau 26,24% dari total artikel yang diserahkan. Jadi tinggal ganti aja Nigeria dengan Venezuela. Sedang Nigeria ada di posisi ke dua. Tapi gak tau juga gimana maksudnya.

Thanks for recheck my recheck, I did some correction earlier, I think it was the connection, this last couple days I have been struggling uploading images, I guess its like there's some kind of images quota and I seem to be out of it. Haha.

ok siap om, yang penting sudah di perbaiki dengan baik, udah bisa beli kuota yang unlimited biar gak habis-habis.

Bukan kuota internetnya, tapi kuota dari steemit-nya, sepertinya ada batasan jumlah gambar per kala, belakangan ini aku kan masif sekali mengirim gambar di post dan komentar. kupikir karena itu sering kali muncul Error kaya dalam gambar di bawah ini. Apakah Bang Wali tahu apa ini?

Ini aku upload via akun komunitas.

Saya belum tahu juga kalau itu masalahnya, tapi kalau Failed saat upload biasanya terjadi karena ukuran di atas 10 MB. Soal kuota upload foto saya gak tau om, karena akhir-akhirnya saya masih main normal gak terlalu banyak upload foto.

Thank you so much sir 🙏