Steem4nigeria Accelerator Contest Week 72: How I Handle Pressure

in Steem4Nigeria2 months ago

Hello everyone On this occasion I want to participate in a contest held by @steem4nigeria
about Steem4nigeria Accelerator Contest Week 72: How I Handle Pressure
here is my entry


For Pressure is the state where a person perceives a certain demands, expectations or challenges as exceeding his or hers capabilities. There are plenty of pressures in life, as professional, from student pressure, social relationship pressure or even whatever personal issue you have. Pressure is an inescapable part of life, but the way we see and handle it that helps pressure become something standing against our gates or being a ladder to success.


I personally have experienced pressure in various situations, especially when facing important exams or when work deadlines are approaching. One of the worst part was, I had project in super less time and my TEAM was depended on me as a leader that used to happened ridiculously. Filled with anxiety, fear of failure and chaos at the core but with a few key steps it was manageable. First, I made a priority list to organize the main tasks. Second, I try to stay calm and ask for help from others if necessary. In addition, I take a moment to rest so that my mind remains clear. In this way, the pressure that initially felt scary can be controlled, even giving satisfactory results.


When talking about pressure, I see it as something that has two sides: pressure can “happen to us” or “make us”. When we let pressure control us, it can cause stress, burnout, or even failure. However, if we view pressure as a challenge to be faced, it can be a force that drives us to grow. In many cases, pressure can be a catalyst that brings out our best potential, as long as we are able to manage our emotions and stay focused on solutions.

It is crucial that for others (eg job applicants) when they say they can work under pressure it needs to be backed up by actual competency. Workplace pressure can be the pressure of time-crunch deadlines, client requirements or squabbles in the team. So, my recommendation is not to say "I can work under pressure" without having idea what that actually does signify.

Stress is always part of the come, make yourself a plan to counter that stress by learning how manage in different kind of nowadays situation(molding time,communicating right,gardening your mind).

Also, you need to keep your balance between the work and personal life, so stress does not translate in a negative way.

Ultimately, stress is just a fact of life. The way we handle the stress will ultimately either break us or make us. Stress is good, just learn how not be stressed!

that's all I can offer Thanks for reading it, hopefully useful on this occasion On this occasion, I would like to invite my friends @zory23 @senehasa y @santi06
to participate in this contest

 2 months ago 

Stress can be overcome if we train ourselves to learn to live with it. Accept everything in a positive way, and then we can achieve this. Our life is short; if we can embrace every moment and every experience with joy, we can manage pressure effectively. Thank you for the invitation.

 2 months ago 

Thank you also for sharing these wise thoughts, and for the invitation. May we all continue to find ways to live peacefully and meaningfully!

 2 months ago 

Hola amigo es normal que tengamos presión en algunas cosas de nuestra vida pero debemos aprender a no dejar que eso nos afecte 🫂

 2 months ago 



Un saludo cordial @zulbahris

La afirmaciones dadas sobre la presión son acertadas y en verdad es una parte que va a estar presente en la realidad de nuestras vidas.

Por.otro lado estas.experiencias forjan la manera de como superar esos contratiempos que se hacen presentes en ocasiones y poder salir aireosos de esas circunstancias de lamejir manera.

En esos momentos como bien lo.mencionas, es necesario manterner el auto control emocional y con la mente tranquila afloraran las ideas acertadas para encontrar la solucion a toda circunstancia que se haya generado y sacar a relucir el gran potencial.

Saludos, exitos y bendiciones .