My Neighborhood Watch #92 - Reporting Events Around ussteemCreated with Sketch.

in Steem4Nigeria4 days ago

Hello everyone. On this occasion I want to join a contest held by @xkool24 about CONTEST ALERT: My Neighborhood Watch #92 - Reporting Events Around Us after previously I wanted to invite my friends @wuddi, @assidiq and @rossnenye to join this contest


I live in neighborhood and morning starts with the hum as normal. From my home window, get glimpses that the people are about to turn out fo get up. The workers hurried to the bus stop or simply rode their motorbikes to the office. Children are dressed neatly in the uniforms walk together towards school, few of them talking happily.

Meanwhile, on a street comer just by the flyover across from where I live a guy is preparing to sell breakfast. Tea and toast mixing with the morning still smells fresh and very fragrant. A handful of your usuals have already taken up residence on the cheap timber bench outside sipping a cuppa, either reading the paper or kicking around banal pleasantries.


I just love this moment when I go past them and feel part of a community

At the same time, vehicles begin to crowd the streets. Horns honking, engines rumbling could be heard in the distance proclaiming another traffic situation which has become a common thing to expect in the city during morning rush hour. Some drivers seemed in a hurry to hurry and others were puttering along at the yellow light. The countless vehicles passing by from the flyover, has been a constant reminder in the past that life in city is live and fire.

Many people were already at work or school, and the streets were not as crowded as this morning. However, life in my neighborhood continued. The builders who were renovating a house were still busy with their work. Small children played in front of their houses, laughing happily while playing ball or cycling.

As the sun began to lean to the west, the atmosphere changed again. The workers began to go home, the children returned from school, and the call to prayer for Maghrib rang out. The food stalls are busy again, and the streets are filled with vehicles again. I often enjoy this view from the flyover, capturing it in photos.


The days in my neighborhood may seem ordinary, but it is in this simplicity that I find warmth and togetherness. Everyone has their own role in the wheel of life, sharing space and stories in this always busy city.