Diary Game|| 14 January 2025 Problem On phone Repairs

in Steem4Nigeria2 months ago


Good morning fellow steemians @steem4nigeria, it's another blessed week filled with joy 😊, today I'll be sharing to you guys my diary on 14th January on how my day went.

The day was just fair but I still give God the glory,it was really a stressful day for me and my colleague with alot of customers coming to buy phone accessories and repair their phone . Guys today's diary is pointing out on today's problem on phone repairs. Y'all know that one of my skills is phone repair and am good at it though I have a lot of skills so most people call me jack of all trades .

When I mentioned of today's problem on phone repairs it's not that I spoilt a customer's phone,or I had a rough day with the customer, what I refers to as today's problem is the spoilt phone i repaired.

So guys my day started by waking up early in the morning, giving thanks and adoration to God Almighty for his protection and for the gift of life. After I was done with my morning prayers I went out to complete my house routine (tidying up the kitchen,and filling water in the house). After I was done with that I quickly prepared something I'll eat before going to shop. After I was done preparing noodles, i dished out the noodles to a plate and ate it all. As I was done eating I went to the bathroom to take my bath.

After I was done taking my bath , I wore my clothes and i headed to the shop . As I reached the shop my colleague @law-obi was already there bringing out the generator and other tools for our phone repairs spot.

So on the process I joined him arranging the shop and after we were done arranging the shop , though we scheduled ourselves on shifts to ease the stress. Me and @law-obi partnered with a phone accessories shop that sells all type of phone accessories like chargers, earphones,power banks, phone covers, batteries etc. we took some picture after we were done arranging everything at the shop.


I and my colleague


Myself 💙✨

So for the time being we're im charge of the shop because the owner of the shop jist put to birth . We being in charge of the shop isn't that easy so we had to schedule ourselves, @law-obi will be staying at our phone repairs spot in the morning and I'll take charge at our phone repairs shop during the afternoon and then he'll also come to the phone accessories shop .

After we finished arranging the shop it was already 10:30 AM, I was making some sales at the accessories shop, though it wasn't really much , I sold phone cover of 1500 naira, power banks, and phone charger. After that the was just going quite alright and it was just a busy day . While I was at the accessories shop my colleague was fixing customer's phones and did it perfectly without complains and then his time was almost over for him to and stay at the accessories shop



My colleague attaining to customers at the phone repairs spot


My colleague while he was eating

So guys during the afternoon after my colleague took charge at the accessories shop, the day was getting busy on my side I received phone repairs problem from different angles, charging phones problems, problems of the call receiver not hearing what the caller is saying,problems of screen damaged , problems of phone falling inside the water and it's not switching on again etc.

Guys due to it's my field in didn't really panic I was just assuring my costumers that they shouldn't worry that I'll fixed their phones . For the customer who's phone wasn't charging, it was just a little issues the charging port of her phone was damaged so I had to change the port to a new one and the phone started charging very fast and I charged her the some of 1000 naira.



Opening the customer's phone that fell inside water


I had to service the phone panel at first before with chemicals before know what's wrong


And then I used the blower on the phone panels to heat the panel


I noticed that the resistor from the battery area wasn't working so I had to change it to a new resistor


and then the problem was solved


So after I was done repairing the pending phones on the table I guess at the moment there wasn't anything doing, I went inside to assist my colleague on calling the shop owner to confirm the price of Nokia 105 before selling it out


me Calling to confirm the price of the phone


Writing out the receipts to the costumer


we opened the box and brought the phone out to confirm that the phone is working very well to the costumer


After the confirmation the costumer signed the receipt

So after the whole process we were hungry and we decided to buy sausage 🌭 rolls to sustain ourselves till we close for the day and it was just 5:30 pm and we always close by 6:30 pm ,so we're just having about 1hr time to close. So while we were eating the sausage rolls I used the privilege to motivate my colleague more on being engage on the steemit platform as well.


So delicious 😋


My colleague on his sausage rolls


And then I was done for the day

So while setting with my colleague, we were just gisting and I was also using the giving time to explain more to him about the steemit platform and then after about 45 mins of the gist with him , we had to start packing things inside the shop before the day was getting dark


we're done packing things inside the shop


I'm set to go home and rest

So guys we locked the shop and both went to separate home ,as I reached the house I was so tired I had to go take my bath and then find something I'll eat . Then after I was done eating i went to the bed and slept off. So guys that's how my day went and I hope y'all enjoyed your day as well

My regards to: