Get Better, Think Right!!
Hello friends!!
Have you ever sat down and you start having random thoughts fly through your mind? Oh yes! I have been in such situations many times.
The year is gradually moving fast, although some people don't think the month of January is fast. Well do you think it's fast? I would like to know on my comment session.
Few weeks back someone said to me "whatever level you are in life presently is a product of your consistent thoughts". Isn't that deep?
First I wanted to argue with that statement but I remembered that scripture in the Bible that says As a man thinks so is he I just kept shut. It is true. That statement was one of the things that prompted me to write what you are reading today.
I would like to give a little piece of advice to you reading this, no matter the country you are in right now, I want you to know that things in that country may not get better especially if you are in Nigeria. You should get better. This is the only way you can survive and scale through the hardship.
Get better at what you do, add value to your self, learn a skill, work hard, push yourself, work smart, stay motivated, be happy, take profitable risks, do things beyond your capacity. And if you are working for someone, put in your best, own the work, be at the top.
Do you know that, one of the best times to become wealthy is in difficult times? You remember when covid came? Yes people lost their jobs but guess what? A lot of people became wealthy that period. Many people started thinking outside the box just to survive and wealth came. So here is another opportunity to become one of the wealthiest people on earth. Get better.
Until you learn become better by doing something different nothing changes in your life. Wishing for things will not make them come to you, you need to step out and get those things done. Get that business started, connect to those you need to connect to, study hard if you must, pray like you have never prayed before but you definitely know that prayer is not all that guarantees you will have an amazing 2025. There are things you must stop doing this year, there are habits you must breakout from, there are friends you must leave, there are places you must stop visiting.
Wakeup, be serious with your life this year. Add value to your life, read books and watch videos of people you admire and want to be like, get exposed to new things and new ideas. Ask questions and be ready to unlearn.
You are definitely what you think. If you keep thinking this year is hard and full of suffering then you will have it so. If you think you can never touch 1 million naira or have it breathing in your account, oh yes it will be so.
The mind is like a computer that works with the mechanics of garbage in garbage out. Whatever you keep feeding your mind with, guess what? Your mind will produce it. Why not spend time this year thinking the right things.
Think of of becoming a global brand this year, think of owning a multinational company, think of becoming the best at your studies and career. Think of having so much wealth that you don't know what to do with it. Think of living in plenty this year. Think of becoming a moderator in a community as a Steemian. What about thinking of becoming a steem Rep or a community curator?.
Think of starting and owning your own business, think of traveling for a vacation in a country of your choice without stress, think of buying your own apartment or a landed property. Think of having a happy marriage and growing the right children. Think of growing the largest church as a minister.
Allow big thoughts flood your mind this year. Think big things, don't ever be caught thinking small. Don't ever be seen doing small things this year. You know why? God is able to do abundantly above all that we can ever imagine or think. Hahah I hope you got it. Grow your mind to start thinking big.
Don't entertain the thought of smallness. You can do it. Stay on positive mindset this year and pursue the things you have thought of and you will see how you life will greatly transform. Don't ever think you can not achieve that target or project given to you. Don't ever think you are not worth living well. Never think failure or impossibility.
I am so sure that this year is my best year ever. I this year am going be at my best, I will live in the best of house, ride the best of cars, own whatever I want! I will live my best life. Every thing will work out just well.
People may say a thousand mile begins with a step but I think a thousand miles begins from the mind. Become better and think right this year!
See you soon...
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MODs Comment/Recommendation:
Wow, I love everything about this post, truly it's not gonna get better all we need to do is to work smarter and harder. I see so many people what they do is to lazy around without work or anything I wonder how they are surviving. I hope someone will take this advice. Cheers.
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