Dr. Smith's Secret: My creative writing.

in Steem4Nigeria5 days ago

Dr. Smith was a charming and confident doctor, with a smile that put his patients at ease. He had a thriving practice in a busy hospital, and his colleagues respected him as a knowledgeable and skilled physician. However, there was a dark secret that Dr. Smith kept hidden from the world, he was not a qualified doctor.


Dr. Smith had managed to maneuver his way through medical school, relying on his charm and charisma to convince his professors that he was competent, despite his lack of effort and understanding. He had barely scraped through his exams, and his clinical skills were woefully inadequate.

Despite his unqualified status, Dr. Smith had somehow managed to secure a position at the hospital, where he was entrusted with the care of vulnerable patients. He was assigned to the intensive care unit, where he was responsible for making life-or-death decisions.

As the days went by, Dr. Smith's patients began to suffer from a series of mysterious complications. Medications were prescribed incorrectly, diagnoses were missed, and procedures were botched. The hospital's staff was baffled by the sudden rise in errors, and whispers of concern began to circulate.

One patient, a young mother named Sarah, was admitted to the ICU with a severe case of pneumonia. Dr. Smith was assigned to her care, and he confidently assured her family that she would recover quickly. However, Sarah's condition began to deteriorate rapidly, and her family grew increasingly alarmed.

As the night wore on, Sarah's oxygen levels plummeted, and her heart rate became erratic. Dr. Smith was called to her bedside, but he seemed uncertain and hesitant. He ordered a series of unnecessary tests, and delayed calling for backup from more experienced colleagues.

Sarah's family was horrified as they watched their loved one's condition worsen. They demanded to know what was happening, and why Dr. Smith seemed so unsure of himself. It was then that the truth began to unravel. An investigation revealed that Dr. Smith was not a qualified doctor, and that he had been practicing medicine without a license. The hospital was shocked and outraged, and Dr. Smith was immediately fired.

Sarah and several other patients were transferred to the care of qualified doctors, who worked tirelessly to repair the damage that had been done.

Thankfully, Sarah recovered, but the experience had left her family shaken. The incident served as a wake-up call for the hospital, which implemented stricter vetting processes for new staff members. The medical community was also forced to confront the reality of unqualified practitioners, and to take steps to protect patients from those who would do them harm.

As for Dr. Smith, he faced criminal charges and was stripped of his medical license. His patients would never forget the terror they experienced at his hands, and the medical community would never forget the lessons learned from his deceit.

 3 days ago 

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MODs Comment/Recommendation:
Today there are many doctors like Dr Smith in almost every field of life. God's will help us. Thanks for sharing

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