- Hi friends
Thank you for visiting my blog again today. I must say that I'm fully convinced that you truly love me and to everyone one that's voting and commenting on my pot; you'll forever have my heart.
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guess what guys 😀😀😀.
I just turned 25🙈🙈🙈 wooow.
It's been an amazing years so far and frankly I give God all the glory whose mercy and Grace has brought me this far, I mean there are so many people I started this journey with but are not here so it's only but a privilege and not a right.
If I'm to define My life journey so far I'll use the tag “GRACE" yeah that's what my life truly is.
It's certainly hasn't been a Rosy journey but God has made it easier and the grace is so massive that when I look back at time I'm unable to explain how I've been able to conquer all those struggle, challenge and issues of life.
I've been in situations that I almost lost hope in God, and faith in myself. Those were situation that's broke me and left me wounded to be mended by no one.
Sometimes when it gets too tough I cry.
I remember those years i use to soak my bed with tears from the pains and tortures of life.
Coming from a poor background isn't a joke at all but when God is with you; nobody and nothing can be against you because the heart of a king is on God's hands.
Maybe one-day I can get to tell the story of my life but please wherever you see God, tell Him I said i love Him😀😀😀.
Looking at my life today and with everything I have achieved and everyone around me I know I'm blessed; I may not yet be where I need to be but I can vividly say I'm no longer where I used to be. I'm a success in progress.
Pardon me that I don't want to channel my birthday content on mostly birthday wishes and blessings but on reality that carries better impact on on hearty matters that have try transformed my life.
I prefer writing stories of my life and environment because I believe that's authentic, true and more impactful.
I've undergo certain health issue that I almost gave you but then I always find fine help even when my own strength and competence has failed.
Secondly, being a graduate have seen to be an undoable thing but I know I'm in the position to set things right in my generation so I never gave up hope.
but today God has changed the history and given me a better story to tell as now my life is a testimony and an encouragement to everyone around me.
I've always knew that I'm unique, special and rare so people like me go through a lot of diseasters than other average People so I stoop to conquer.
God wanted to set records right in my life and all he needed me to do was to believe and trust completely in Him. so I did and he came through.
I found the most undying bossom in God, holding onto my hands he never left me for in carefulness, compassion and care he carried on in His hand and fought all my battles for me.
Truly coming this far isn't easy and no birthday wishes can ever be enough to fathom the immerse gratitude I have for God's unfailing love in my life. He taught me how to be patient and faithful and I worked with Him then He exalted my horn.
And to everyone out there who have been a beacon of hope ,support, encouragement and care I appreciate you all in a billion times.
And specially to “Zinny" thank you so much for sticking by my side I truly appreciate you and values our friendship so much I pray that God bless you too and may heaven celebrate you everyday.
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Truly true friends can't be bought and whoever that have it has the greatest blessing because the greatest gift is the “GIFT OF MEN".
So, permit me to gladly wish myself “HAPPY BIRTHDAY JANE"!!!.
I wish myself Vision come true and fulfilment in all my endeavors.
I'll be coming up soon with the content on how my birthday went and trust me guys it was a top-notch.
See you in my next story line .
I love STEEMIT .
Thank you for reading you're most loved ♥️.
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I hope it's not late to say happy birthday to you! Cheers..
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Thank you so much ma for wishing me well.