2024 Tales : Every Lady Has a Story To Tell
Everyone has a story to tell, everyone has a story to remember, and everyone has a story to reflect on. Some choices people make in their lives can lead to Had I known and also serve as a lesson to them.This is my story. The story is as a result of my disobedience act that nearly cost my life. My classmates in secondary school organized an alumni meet up party on the 15th of February 2024.
I was invited, being one of the great alumni of my secondary school institution. The meet up was to be held at a big club in uyo in the night. When I told my parents about the invite, they said it was dangerous to go out to a club late in the night with a couple of teenagers. They made their decision that I was not going to the party.
I told my friend Anna about my parents decision,she was not happy. She told me I shouldn't listen to them, her parents were not letting her go to the party, but she was going to sneak out that it was a harmless party she said. She succeeded in convincing me to sneak out too.
That fateful night, I decided to disobey my parents and sneak out to the night party with Anna my friend. I have never been to a club at night, so it was a strange experience for me. There were lots of teenagers who were half naked, drunk, very loud music and alcohol. I felt so uncomfortable and wanted to go home at the moment not until Anna brought me a glass of what she called champagne. It was my first time drinking alcohol. Anna teased me calling me a jjc (Johnny just come)
I didn't want to be teased so I pretended to be strong and drank the glass of Champagne. A few minutes later I began feeling tipsy and drunk after I blacked out. When I regained consciousness I found myself in a dark room with masculine voices fear Shivered down my spine. I heard one of the voices say she's awake let's finish her. I knew they were referring to me,I was so scared.
When two of the men which I later found out were cultists came to where I was, I pleaded with them to let me go. One of them landed a heavy blow on my face, hot tears ran down my face as I said a silent prayer. The guy who slapped me started pulling his trousers down and my fear was ascertained. Was I going to be raped? This and many more questions ran through my mind. I cried loudly and begged them to let me go, but every sound i made was followed by hot blows on my already swollen face.
The guy pushed me down and tied my mouth to prevent me from screaming. At that point I was helpless, but I still muttered some words of prayers. Then boom, I heard gun shots and the door was forced open. Police men stormed into the room and shut the guy who was about to rape me on his leg. A sudden relief came upon me as I knew I was safe at least. The policemen handcuffed the bad gang and marched them out.
While leaving the building, I saw my friend Anna with handcuffs. I was shocked. she was crying and confessing that she was one of the bad gang and she drugged the drink she gave me. I was speechless and I regretted instantly that I had not listened to my parents instead I chose to be deceived by Anna who I thought was my friend. The policemen ensured I went back home safely.
I couldn't face my parents because of the embarrassment I caused . I pleaded with them to forgive me and promised never to go against their orders . Had I known I would have listened to my parents, what had transpired that night wouldn't have happened. My parents were so disappointed in me and punished me but they were glad that I was safe and not molested.
Moral Lessons to All the Ladies out there |
There is a popular saying that obedience is better than sacrifice. Obedience saves lives. Sometimes our parents decisions about some certain choices we make can seem heartless or too difficult to obey but they are our parents and they know what is right for us. After the incident,I tried my best to listen to every decision my parents makes and try hard to obey them.
Because of my disobedience and bad decision,I had a swollen face for two weeks because of all the blows I received ,I broke my patients trust and the thought of almost getting raped stigmatized me.
Another lesson is to be selective about the company you keep as friends. Anna was not a good friend. She encouraged me to disobey my parents orders not to go to the party and set me up for bad gangs after giving me a drink that she drugged.
There is a popular saying that bad company spoils useful habits. That was the case for Anna and I.She influenced me with her bad character and I deviated from the right part because I couldn't discipline myself to make good decisions.
My story serves as a lesson to young folks not to be influenced or enticed by what their peers are doing. I didn't want to feel left out or being labeled a jjc so I engaged in wrong acts like drinking alcohol and first going to a night club. Contentment and discipline is necessary to fight peer influence.
My story has served as a lesson for me, a discipline, a memory and something to reflect on.
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MODs Comment/Recommendation:
Such an interesting tale you've narrated. This is what guys too face. The pressure from friends lead them to experience sad consequences which they are unable to escape from. Thanks for sharing.
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Thanks be to God that nothing of that kind of rape happened to you because it is not a good case at all, because each time you remember that you will be very ashamed of yourself.
Next time always obey your parents because they are in this world before you and they have seen many things before you, and also there is a say which say What a old man can see when he sit down you even if you climb Palm tree you can't see it. So be very careful.
Stay safe and be vigilant..
Exactly. I really appreciate how interested you are in reading my blog. Thanks a lot.
You are welcome my friend, are you on WhatsApp.........