contest: A New Year, New me.

in Steem4Nigeria2 months ago

Greetings Friends.


How are you all doing? I hope and pray that you all are doing fine and enjoying the best of your life too. My name is @dazzle55 from Nigeria. Today I will be participate in a contest organized by our follow user @eveetim in Steem4Nigeria community with the topic: A new year, A new me. So without wasting time let get they to know what I have for to say about this contest today.

Is it really important to look back at the past years and make adjustments?

If this is a church and a pastor say this, I will take it as if the pastor us preaching about my life but even without it this particular subheadings really hit me hard.
Of all I have I done last year I was left without any thing to show to the new year that has just begins and I would let that to happen again this year. Last year was really a hard year in my life which things way not working out no matter how hard I hit, I still return back to my beginning point


So on beginning of this year I really took my time to make a review on things bthat was pulling my back and I have come to see that some of those are not far away from me rather my behaviour and attitude towards things that are making it not to work for me

I have come to realize that the kind of friends I keep away from my workplace and my home base are the people that are tracking me back from making my entry and staying consistent based on writing and other things. they are kind of friends that like going out to clubs and other things which distract you from being active on the platform, so this year I really want to make changes that will suit to my own timing so that my my way will be good and perfect in future.

Tell us about the aspects you have adopted changes this year.

Like i say before this kind of friends I keep last year both in my work place and in my hometown.

So First aspect of my life that I will like bro change is the type of friends I know. I will try as much as I can to make an adjustment that will be favorable for me and and them too.

Secondly last year I was so lazy in terms and f making entries in community contest and my engagement was really poor in the platform so this year I want vto improve myself on how I work on the platform.

Lastly I was really bad in making quality post and my posting time too was also bad so I have make a lot of reading and make a lot if research in how good and quality post can be make and I hope bthat this year I will have a different on the type of content a write.

About the slogan "dey for who dey for you." Do you think people should relate only with those who relate with them, even if it were their family members and close friends?

This slogan means a lot in people life mostly this that life has show them lot of things. Let just imagine come from a family way people from the environment and the society look down in you and your entire family, bring a lot of accused and upon you and it only small amount of people from the society that stay with during that hard time.

And to your surprise God change things in your life and everything starts working as you have being praying for and those people that use to mock you come around looking for you help it will be so hard for you to get along with them even due you have forgiven them but it will be so hard for you to beel able bro help them but those that was with you during that will only be thos that I will playing along with.

So from that you can see that the slogan dey for who dey for you means a lot in people life so also try to be they for someone even when things are not working out for them so that they will also be the for you too both in hard time or time of help.

Do you think as we enter the new year that we are getting older and there should be a change of attitude? Explain.


As people are growing up their attitude and their ways of doing things show also change. So without even asking this question as we are growing up our lives and our attitude show also change so that the younger ones should learn from us as we learn from people that are older than us too.

Are there attitudes you need to do away with this year? Tell us about them and the reasons why you need to change them.

They are a lot of attitude that as a human being you need to put them away as the year changes. So for me they are a lot of unwanted attitude in myself that I need to put them aside from my place if only I want vto progress in life..

After looking back on myself I have come to see some kind of attitude which is not suitable for my liking which I need to put them away. Some of those attitude include:

  • Not waiting for the the right time. After what happened to me last year way by I lost a big amount not steem coins due to rushing I have made up my mind that this year if things doesn't move in the way I want I rather let go than to rush for it.

  • The attitude of giving up when it things seem to be difficultb during last year u easily let go of things when it starts get hard or is not working out in the way I want it to be.

They are a lot if attitude within myself that I have to do away with it so that I can focus on my life and do things that will benefit me in the end.

This is way I will stop for today so thanks you so much for visiting my blog and also going through my contents I really appreciate you so much.

I will like to invite
To join this contest too.
