I Love My Body / shadow punches and arm circle".
Hello friends, trust we all are doing great. It is another fitness week for season 23 Learning Challenge. For fitness lovers, this is going to be a real challenge.
This week's fitness challenge is focusing on the upper part of the body; the arms, shoulders and their blades, the chest, I would also add the fingers.
I can rightly also say that this is a cardiovascular exercise.
So the challenge is divided into two fitness parts.
** 1. The Arm Circle ** and
** 2. Shadow Boxing**.
At first glance, I was like, this is an easy thing to do, after all, I can lift heavy objects and suspend them in the air for quite sometime. However, while doing this, I realise it is not that easy.
Let me start with the first one The Arm Circle.
The Arms Circle
What is involved in doing this? To practice this, you stand with your two legs slightly apart to give you the balance you need, stretch out the arms at both sides, and then move them in circular motion clockwise and anti-clockwise.
I will move it in clockwise circular direction 40 times and then anti-clockwise 40 times. Then takes a break for ten seconds and thereafter repeat the above.
The picture below shows my humble self carrying out the Arms Circle.
Shadow Boxing
Now let us go to shadow boxing. It involves throwing punches in the air as if you are boxing. The task involves throwing punches in three different directions, forward punch, side punch and upper punch (upper cut).
Carrying out this task involves the use of the triceps and biceps, It is done to help burn off fats from the chest and other parts of the upper body.
To carry out this task, I would have to stand with my two feet being slightly apart, clench my fist holding them in a defense position and then start throwing punches forward.
I would like to say that this particular task seems to be much easier than the arms circle.
This is the video for the entire tasks.
At the end of the program, what is the overall feelings and where did you feel the pains the most?
Gladly, I was able to finish both task, while they where interesting, it was a test of strength, stamina and endurance.
The Arms Circle task was painful at a point. The weight of arms were now carried by the shoulders close to the neck, because of its suspended status. It was at this point that endurance became an asset so to speak. The muscles from the elbow to the shoulder and the neck were all affected. It was like carrying a heavy load on the head for a long time, we all know its effect on the neck. However, with constant practice, it will become like more of a training section.
For the shadow punch or boxing, It still brought pains to me, especially at the shoulders and shoulder blade at my back. It also led me to have faster and intense breathing since I needed more air circulation in my body system.
Do you think shadow boxing and arm circle are good for you and will you recommend it for others?
Given the positive effect it had on me, I would gladly recommend for others to do. However, I would suggest they start with little figures and as they continue, they can increase their level of activity why doing it.
Thank you @ngoenyi and @genomil foe this great exercise. I invite @ruthjoe and @bossj23 to participate in this contest.
Wonderful exercise, watching yours I'm energized and motivated to try mine. It's seems easy but difficult hahahaha I hope I will not be laughed when I do mine.
Just try it, you will not be disappointed. If i can do it, then you can too. It is simply fun.
I will try sir thanks and good luck
Excelente, amigo. Describiste muy bien la sensación de los brazos en los movimientos circulares, realmente se siente una gran presión. Con la práctica, como dices, debería disminuir.
Thank you for going through. It was really painful. But will ease with lots of practice.
You know they say practice makes perfect