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RE: Grinsi, Linus und der Kleine Knopf

in Deutsch Unplugged6 months ago

Goodness, what a nasty few weeks you've been having with your poor wee lambs. Have things improved since you shared this post?

You will win. You must win.

 6 months ago 

Yes, initially the situation has improved: we have successfully combated the bloodsucker with a different medication!
Now the BTV (bluetongue disease) epidemic has reached us. I have lost three lambs since Monday, which have died in agony... 😫

 6 months ago 

It's terrible. This is one of the reasons why I am afraid of animal husbandry. 🙁

 6 months ago 

Gosh, yes. I cry almost every day and am afraid to go out to the pasture in the morning because there might be another dead animal there. The vet was also crying the day before yesterday: she doesn't want to go to work anymore because she only euthanizes or takes blood from dead animals for the office (BTV is a notifiable disease). I might write a BTV article. My lambs deserve an obituary and I need to process and record the drama of these days for myself personally. Trust me: you go crazy with shit like this!

 6 months ago 

Allow me to share my story. We moved to the city in the summer, but we spend most of our time in the village, because there is a lot of work there. The wife's parents keep a cow and this year she had another calf. It was a heifer. Since the cow is already a little old, they first thought of keeping this heifer. But when she was 5 months old, they realized that they did not have enough strength to keep two such large animals, because almost all the work had to be done by hand. So, they decided to sell the heifer. For almost a month, I searched the Internet for who needs a heifer, and now no one wants to keep cattle. I had to sell the heifer to murderers. I personally had to drag her to the car, and she felt everything and resisted as best she could. In a word, it crippled me morally. I don't want to do livestock farming, at least not like this. 🤨

 6 months ago 

Of course. Thank you for sharing your story. You have already told it to me, but not how much the sensitive knowledge of the animal burdened you morally.
Yes, ethics and morals are probably what will drive me to ruin: I'll be travelling the country with a huge herd of castrated bucks, asking everyone if they can tend the garden for a day. Or something like that... ;-)
Gallows humour...

 6 months ago 

Oh wow. I can't imagine how brutal this must all feel at the moment.

I cry almost every day and am afraid to go out to the pasture in the morning

😢 Remember that all of those fluffy balls of wool are depending upon you to gather the strength and continue fighting 💪

 6 months ago 

continue fighting

All day long! Perhaps I can already see a glimmer of light on the horizon...