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RE: Bauverzögerung

in Deutsch Unpluggedlast year

Moin moin moin,

Where are the sheep? Lovely building...but where are the sheep? Ah, sheep. Hello sheep 🙂 Moin moin Schafe 👋

Your stable carefully laid pile of posts and planks are very neatly placed and your decision to protect them from the rain / snow with a felt covering is a good idea too. It looks like you'll be able to store all of those materials in your field for as long as you need to 😉 Should any building inspectors come to see how you've stored your materials, I'm sure that they would also be satisfied.

I hope that you and Ralf are feeling very proud of your structure storage. It's very imressive.

 last year 

Moin moin moin

Now the flow of words has really run away with you... ;-D

carefully laid pile of posts and planks are very neatly placed

I always say: several team players think better than one! That's fantastic. As soon as I request the inspection in writing, I'll hire you as co-authors!
Of course we have to protect our tools and machinery. Nobody can have anything against a storage facility... ;-)
Never mind, everything will be fine! As soon as the bucks cuddle the inspectors, those will only feel goodwill and love anyway.

A sheep photo ("Moi, Moin" back...) will have to do. I can't just write about sheep all the time. Otherwise you'll think my life is one big fluffy ball of wool... ;-)

 last year 

And of course, where better to store your screws and nails than within the wood itself? You are simply being logical 🙂

Otherwise you'll think my life is one big fluffy ball of wool... ;-)
