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RE: DU spielt SCRABBLE™ (41) - Wankelmut
What do you do about umlauts? For example, "moet" D12-D15?
(Wie machen Sie die umlaut?)?
What do you do about umlauts? For example, "moet" D12-D15?
(Wie machen Sie die umlaut?)?
Hey, wie schön, dass du dich traust mitzumachen, herzlich willkommen!
Die Umlaute Ä, Ö, Ü existieren in der Deutschen Scrabble-Ausgabe, sie dürfen nicht in AE, OE, UE aufgelöst werden.
"Moet" bzw. "möt" kenne ich nicht, was soll das bedeuten?
Du darfst gern einen zweiten Versuch starten! Wenn du dir nicht sicher bist, ob ein Wort im Deutschen existiert, kannst du im Duden ( Dort ist zwar nicht jedes Wort verzeichnet, er bietet aber eine sehr gute Orientierung.
Hey, how nice that you dare to join in, welcome!
Ä, Ö, Ü exist in the German Scrabble edition, they may not be resolved into AE, OE, UE.
I don't know "moet" or "möt", what does that mean?
You are welcome to start a second attempt! If you are not sure whether a word exists in German, you can look it up in the Duden ( Not every word is listed there, but it offers a very good orientation.
Ah, you mean Moët?
That is - as @the-gorilla noted - actually a French brand name. There is no Ë in German, and brand names are not allowed in Scrabble anyway.
Google, Bing, and deepl translators all said that möt means something like "want" or "like" or "would like". I also did a quick search of and thought that it might be a form of "motten", but I guess I misunderstood that page. (I was grasping at straws. ;-) I didn't realize there were scrabble tiles with umlauts, so that makes it easy.
Update: I played around with some other three letter words starting with "m", and I guess the translators were all assuming that it was a typo for "mag".... oops. Sorry.
Hihi, go ahead. The right coordinates an the word is yours... ;-)
There are some letter pieces with umlauts so I don't think moët would be accepted instead of moet (and vice versa) - I also don't think brand names (like Moët) are accepted. There's a meany called Hans who checks all of the words.
You shouldn't keep insulting the honourable referee, sportsman... ;-)

That's why I love British humour.
Meanwhile: All the stadium visitors are going fucking crazy.....
It depends on your operating system.
Search in your browser for umlaut windows 10 or linux or whatelse and you get the specific help. I.e. for win10: