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RE: Bauverzögerung

in Deutsch Unpluggedlast year

Secured? No. There is a shelter in the landscape and you can use it free of charge - only for one night at a time, then you have to hike on. Most of the time there isn't another person around.
Here's a photo - 15 years old, I had very, very short hair. We slept in this shelter with two dogs for one night:

DSCN0923 Kopie.JPG

I think Northern Europe and Nigeria are hardly comparable in terms of safety and mentality.
Hihi, in Denmark and Sweden people don't even lock their front doors. Well, maybe in the cities, but in the countryside, in the village, it's not common.

 last year 

This is most interesting to hear!
I think in Nigeria, we have to pay for everything. And talking about safety..? It's a no no here.

As for mentality..., you are right as well.

Denmark and Sweden people don't even lock their front doors. Well, maybe in the cities, but in the countryside, in the village, it's not common.

Very interesting to hear this about Danmark and Sweden.