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RE: Rote Bete / Beetroots

As for our pesto: dice the raw beetroot tubers and cook until firm to the bite, sauté the garlic and walnuts, put everything in the blender with olive oil and a little balsamic vinegar and puree. Season to taste with salt, pepper and rosemary... Done. Yummy!

Oh no! I would recommend wrapping the whole beetroot in foil, placing it in the oven and waiting for it to soften. This way beets retain all their nutrients and taste qualities. And then you can cut it into cubes and grind it.
By the way, it is often recommended to cook carrots in a salad in the same way. And potatoes.

I totally agree with you about the oddities of the English language :) German is more understandable though... there are also some special features 😂

 21 days ago 

Oh, nice advice. I will try it out! Thank you ;-))

 20 days ago 

Du kannst die ganzen Knollen auch ungeschält in kochendes Wasser geben und darin garen. Zum einen zwecks Erhalt von Vitaminen und Nährstoffen, zum anderen lässt sich die Schale danach einfach und spurlos abziehen. Und zu guter letzt wird sogar ein Großteil der Farbe gebunden, so dass die Hände nicht ganz so gut durchblutet wirken...
LG Chriddi

 20 days ago 

Hihi. Man lernt nie aus! Probiere ich!!

Never thought of this! Thank you for sharing