in Ukraine on Steem2 years ago


One more step, and MY DREAM WILL COME TRUE! One of my dreams, if to be exact. I'll become an Orca. Just 5000 SP more needed:) Not hard, right?

My Octuple Dolphin status post was made June, 5th, 2022 (almost 3 months ago). Means, I am able to become an Orca at the beginning of December, 2022. It would be great to achieve that!

Actually, becoming an Orca wasn't one of my plans on the platform at the beginning of the 2022. Those times I was planning to become 7x Dolphin. Well, I haven't achieved the rest of my plans (and won't achieve unless the war is over), let me overwork with Dolphin status at least =D


Having a lot of Steem Power will let me to delegate it to our newborn community curating account — @ukraine-steem. It matters because we want to support Ukrainians whose income critically decreased during last 6 months.


I'm very appreciate to @steemcurator01 for support. Without it I wouldn't become a NONUPLE DOLPHIN today🐬🐬🐬🐬🐬🐬🐬🐬🐬


I am a member of club100 but also I'm a contest runner and taking part in a charity sometimes. That's why never check my status with any services except https://steemworld.org:
Memos show I don't withdraw Steem but send to users with a purpose of charity or contest rewarding

All the time I have misunderstandings with curators about it: they write me I'm club75, and I prove them I'm club100 :-\

I'll continue to grow the power of my account, that's the main plan. The rest — we'll see.

My account is powerful enough to be worried what happens with it if I am not able to rule it anymore. Anything can happen, I live in a country at war. First, my idea was to take care of a notarized will. But to whom should I entrust my account? My husband? He lost keys from his own Steemit account in a month after registration... And he will not take care of it, I'm sure. My parents? They are not familiar with technologies, even never typed a word via computer.

That's why I decided to keep most of my Steem Power always delegated. In a case of my death, another Ukrainians will be still using my SP via community curating account — @ukraine-steem. I think it's the most prudent decision.

Take care, and stay healthy, friends. See you later, in my Orca status post =D


Wow, Very Nice achievement My Friend. Congratulations on your Successfully reaching 9X Dolphin.

Happy 9X Dolphin Day 👍😊

 2 years ago 

thanx, and a fast growth, too! =D

 2 years ago 

yeah but nine ones =D

 2 years ago 

Вітаю! 🤩

 2 years ago 

Дякую :)

wow, amazing

 2 years ago 


Happy 9x Dolphin Day !

Enjoy this special #clubdolphin vote...

#club100 😀 🐬 🐬 🐬 🐬 🐬 🐬 🐬 🐬 🐬

 2 years ago 

thank you to the moon and back =D

 2 years ago 

В случае моей смерти моим SP по-прежнему будет пользоваться другой украинец через кураторский аккаунт сообщества — @ukraine-steem . Думаю, это самое разумное решение.

От що це таке, а?! Похорони думки оці!🤣 Ми ще червоного винця по вайберу нап'ємося!🤣

 2 years ago 

Та це тільки думки вголос) про все думаю. Про всяк випадок. Вночі була тривога, а в мене панічна атака почалася, вже уявила, як в мене попадає ракета🤯😅 що поробиш, психіка.
Коли війна закінчиться, ще й вживу, може, вип'ємо😄

 2 years ago 

Якось оптимістично та песимістично одночасно..

 2 years ago 

Отже, реалістично 😄

 2 years ago 

Мої вітання! 😁🎈🎈🎈 До 50К залишилось всього пару кроків)

 2 years ago 

дякую))) дуже б хотілося в грудні і таке провернути)))

Congratulations on this enormous achievement.

 2 years ago 


 2 years ago 

Вау! Поздоровляю!)

 2 years ago 


 2 years ago (edited)

Вітаю від усієї душі!!! Оце так досягнення!!! Бажаю стати КОСАТКОЮ, як ти мрієш!))) А погані думки викинь з голови!

 2 years ago 

Які це погані? Я не песисістка, все на основах реалізму