some difference between caring and having feelings for someone


The love and relationships that we have in our lives can be the most important things to us. They give us meaning, purpose, and comfort. However, sometimes those relationships can be hard to maintain. They require work on both ends—you need to put effort into your relationship if you want it to last, but so does your partner!

Accepting someone for who they are and not trying to change them into an ideal that suits you,

Acceptance is the first step to having a healthy relationship. It’s also the first step in letting go of your expectations, which can be paralyzing and lead to disappointment.
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Acceptance doesn't mean approval or tolerance. Acceptance requires effort on your part, so you may have to do things that don't feel comfortable at first; it's not always easy for us humans! But once you've accepted someone for who they are and are not trying to change them into an ideal that suits you, then everything else becomes easier—especially being able to communicate effectively with each other about what works for both partners (and sometimes even without words).

Helping them with mundane tasks, like making dinner or driving them to work,

The best way to show your partner that you are able to do things on your own is by being able to ask for help when you need it. This can be as simple as saying, "I'm going out tonight. I'll be back before midnight." It shows them that you understand the importance of time management and have a plan in place for when things get busy or chaotic.
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