Tuesday Macro | 10% Payout to @beautycreativity

Hello Everyone!!.
Friends who are always loyal here in the Beauty and Creativity Community. I hope today you have a good day and also have fun.
There are so many plants that can be used as herbal medicine to cure several diseases. However, many of the various types of plants that we never know or have never known at all, that these plants are also useful as herbal medicine.
One of them is, like the plant I showed in my macro photography this time. Here we call it by the name of the plant Ketipes. This plant is useful as a herbal medicine that can cure diabetes.
Ketipes (Cardiospermum halicacabum) is a plant that is widely distributed in tropical and subtropical regions of Africa and Asia.[1] Regional names in Indonesia include ketipes, parenan, pulungan (Jw.), cecenet areuy (Sd.), and pepare brackets (Btw.).
For those of you who want to know more about the benefits of this plant, you guys can read here
And check out my macro photography today of this herbal plant object. Thank you friends for stopping by. May your days be blessed.
See you again...

Camera | Samsung Smartphone |
Category | Mushroom |
Location | Aceh-Indonesia |
Edit With | Lightroom |
Photografer | @nasir.steem |

Let's take care of our mother 🌎🌍🌏 together.🤝
ফটোগ্রাফির মধ্যে মাইক্রো ফটোগ্রাফি আমার কাছে বেশ ভালো লাগে। আপনি আজকে অসাধারণ মাইক্রো ফটোগ্রাফি করেছেন। আমাদের মাঝে শেয়ার করার জন্য ধন্যবাদ।
Thank you Glad to hear good comments from you.
Amazing photography🥰
Thanks you so much buddy
আপনার পোস্টটি অনেক সুন্দর হয়েছে ।আপনার জন্য শুভকামনা রইল।
Thanks you
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