My Species photography || by @monirm

in Beauty of Creativity3 months ago

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim

From #bangladesh



Assalamu Alaikum Hello friends, how are you all? I hope everyone is well after a long time. I have come to you with a beautiful photography. I hope everyone likes it. The photography that I have come to you with today is about butterflies. Butterflies are a wonderful creation of nature, which make our surroundings beautiful with their colorful wings. Their diverse colors and silent flight are like a picture painted by an artist on the canvas of nature. Butterflies are not only a symbol of beauty, they play an important role in maintaining the balance of nature. Butterflies extract honey from flowers, which helps in pollination. Their presence helps in maintaining biodiversity in gardens and fields. There are about 17,500 species of butterflies in the world. Their life cycle is amazing—the process of turning from egg to larva, then from egg to full-fledged butterfly is a wonder of nature. Butterflies are most commonly seen in cool nature and sunny weather. The design of their wings is different in almost every species. These colors and patterns are not just for beauty, sometimes they also act as a strategy to escape from predators. This perfect beauty of butterflies teaches us to respect nature. It reminds us that the beauty of life is sometimes hidden in silent and gentle things. Butterflies add beauty to our environment, and butterflies bring joy to our little children. When we were little boys, we used to chase butterflies, and those moments are remembered. Anyway, I have presented beautiful photography to you in my own way. I hope everyone will like it. May Allah Hafez bless you all.









Thank you

LocationBangladesh 🇧🇩📷
DeviceSamsung Mobaile

From #bangladesh


Allah Hafeez

 3 months ago 

Very beautiful photos you share in this community.

 3 months ago 

Thank you so much...

 3 months ago 

Kupu-kupu yang indah sekali

 3 months ago 

Dear Friend @bahrol,

Thank you very much, you liked my photography. And I also liked the species very much, so I took a photo. Best wishes to you.

 3 months ago 

Sama-sama, salam juga dari saya. Sukses selalu

 3 months ago 

Every part of this photograph is so beautiful that it cannot be explained. Thanks for sharing this wonderful photograph.