Time never stands still - 10% to beautycreativity

in Beauty of Creativity2 months ago

Hello friends,

Good morning everyone. Today's day has also started with beautiful nature and bright environment. Since morning, the beautiful position of the sun and the brightness of the sun are showing a great atmosphere. The sun is quite warm today and due to which no effect of winter is being observed.

To be honest, there is a beautiful idea going on in our society and that is that if the beginning of the day starts with a beautiful environment, then you get the opportunity to spend the entire day beautifully. I myself have noticed this, if the beginning of the day is good, the end of the day is also quite good, you can say it is a different equation.

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Today I will share some different types of scenes of nature, although everyone likes to see and enjoy such scenes. In fact, time never stands still, according to the laws of nature, it is always dynamic, so maybe we try to keep our lives dynamic by keeping pace with time.

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Every object returns to its position with time, just as birds return to their nests at the end of the day, we also return to our homes after finishing the day's work. It is an effect of time and at the end of the day it forces us to return to our own position. None of us can go outside this law of nature.

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These scenes of that day fascinated me greatly and at the same time stirred the matter in my heart. I myself also thought that almost all of us are prisoners of time, due to which none of us can be outside the influence of time and we cannot do it even if we try.

All are my Original Photography by Redmi Smartphone.

Thanks all for reading.


 2 months ago 

বাহ খুব সুন্দর ফটোগ্রাফি শেয়ার করলেন তো আজকে আপনি। প্রত্যেক দিনের মতো কিন্তু আজকেও আপনার ফটোগ্রাফি গুলো দেখে বেশ ভালো লাগলো।