The beauty of Nature and some Moments

in Beauty of Creativity2 months ago

Hello friends,

Good morning to everyone, this morning has also started with a very cold environment. The presence of the sun in the sky is not very noticeable, that is, there is no heat from the sun. A very cold wind is affecting and due to which the surrounding environment has become much colder.

Nature quite refreshes and fascinates us wonderfully, just as sometimes it unexpectedly makes us lifeless and weak. Because the different forms of nature are not always pleasant for us. For example, the cold environment that we are facing here now is not at all enjoyable. Moreover, the environment in rural areas is even colder and public life is in a very disturbed state.

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I will share some beautiful scenes of nature today too, but these scenes and the feelings associated with them will not match the above words at all. Because I captured these scenes several days ago, when nature was really beautiful and enjoyable.

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A little before the end of the day, we went to nature to enjoy some beautiful time. This place was quite fresh and green. Since there is a beautiful lake nearby, there is a great opportunity to enjoy the freshness of nature.

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Not only us, many people came here that day to keep themselves refreshed and active along with the beautiful scenery. Especially in the early evening when the sun was setting, a very beautiful atmosphere was created, the last rays of the sun on the water of the lake created a more enchanting scene.

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All are my Original Photography by Redmi Smartphone.

Thanks all for reading.



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