Fresh beans in the Green Garden

in Beauty of Creativity3 months ago

Hello friends,

Good morning everyone, today's day started with a very warm atmosphere because the sun was present from this morning and the cold level has also reduced a lot, due to which it seems that it will be warm throughout the day.

Of course, today was not too bad as a winter day, because although there was some warmth in the morning, it will feel cold in the end of the day. So it can be desired as a day and as a night too. Because the low cold level in the day means an opportunity to be connected with various activities outside.

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Today, however, I will share with you some green and fresh photographs. And they are fresh beans in the garden. Since it is the winter season now, it is the season of beans. Beans are usually produced well in the winter season and their real taste is available. Even if beans are produced in other seasons, their real taste is not available.

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These beans are called Desi beans, they do not have very large seeds inside but are very tasty to eat. Also, these beans cook quickly. That is why almost every house in rural areas can be seen growing such bean gardens.

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The longer the winter, the more fog there is with the winter, the better the bean production will be and the more this presence in the market will be. And the more presence of beans in the market means the lower the price. In this way, people of all classes will get the opportunity to buy fresh beans very easily.

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All are my Original Photography by Redmi Smartphone.

Thanks all for reading.
