Recreating Obito Uchiha. 10% to Beautycreativity
original photography
original photography
*In this first step, use the skin color for the small part of the face that is uncovered, since the rest is a mask and with the black highlight the eye to be able to color it inside. I took the color red to draw his eye since he has the sharingan, leaving that part of his face ready to go with the mask.
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- This second step is how I started coloring Obito's mask, with orange and brown for the contour of the eye that has darkness in the mask and with a little black add more darkness and highlight at once, continuing outwards with only the orange each line of the mask.
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- I continued coloring the mask line by line, leaving a small list at the edge of each blank space, which is the light effect, and with the yellow and orange I colored the dark and light parts of the mask.
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- The mask was now finished and with the black I highlighted the entire contour and marked it.
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- And here I colored the hair in black with a little dark blue and leaving spaces without color and then coloring more clearly to differentiate both parts where the clarity is reflected in the ends of your hair.
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*Then with black I highlighted the entire drawing as well as the inner layer, marking the light and dark parts that should be colored, with red I colored the list that is on your layer and continued with the gray gloves.
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- And in this step I finish with Obito's cape giving light and darkness, using the colors blue and black, finishing the drawing.
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As you can see this is the great result of Obito Uchiha, the great character in Naruto who became the true leader of the Akatsuki when the previous leader Yahiko (Pain) died, and took on the personality of the named Tobi, Madara and Obito In Naruto, everything was the real Madara's plan.
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original photography