Fixing Water Pump - DIY
Some days ago, the water pump at my home stopped working. It would turn on but wasn’t pulling any water. I decided to inspect it myself and found out that one of the pipes underneath the pump was broken and needed replacement. I headed to the market, bought pipe solvent cement, and got to work.
With my wife’s help, I managed to take out the pump, fix the broken pipe, and set everything back in place. The entire process took about an hour, but it was worth it to see the pump working perfectly again. It felt great to solve the issue on my own and save some money in the process.
Here are some pictures I took during the repair. A little effort and teamwork can go a long way! 😊
It's really a lot of fun when you can fix a problem yourself. Normally we are afraid of such tasks and try to get help from others, but you yourself repaired that pump and replaced it correctly, you did a great job.