The Destroyer of Beauty||Leptocorisa Oratorius Fabricius
Greetings, creative souls, friends, moderators and funders on the #BeautyOfCreativity community. See you again with me @dimanrama with the theme "The Destroyer Who Has Beauty".
The destroyer I mean is a type of insect pest which is often a negative factor for farmers, causing the plants to be planted to become damaged and contracted by virus diseases. However, this destroyer has a positive value for the soul of creative photographers. Take a look! how beautiful this destroyer is in the macrophotography I took today on a farm near where I live.

How beautiful these insect pests are with their bright yellow color with black spots like daily hair and a face like a hero character in the Camen Rider film series in 1990.

This insect has a very small body measuring 1.5 cm. I found him in the forest of Aceh, took a picture with the Huawei P9 Lite smartphone+ MacroLensBong . All photos and writings are is the original work of @dimanrama.
See You all...