What I Love About Each Season

in Beauty of Creativitylast year


Where I am from (Nigeria), we only have two seasons which is dry/harmattan season and the rainy/wet season. It's kinda annoying that we only get to experience two seasons why some other countries experience four - spring, winter, autumn and summer or are they just complements for each other🙃?
Anyway, I will just write what i love about the harmattan and the rainy season.

Dry/Harmattan Season
Well, I love the harmattan season because it keeps everywhere dry and it's easier to move out and about. The road's not all muddy, so my shoes don't get dirty. Laundry dries faster too. The weather's always nice in the afternoons, though in the mornings, it could be really cold especially if you are living near a water source like a river.

Trees lose their leaves during the harmattan season. It's nice stepping on fallen dry leaves and hearing the crunchy sound. I also love it because people tend to sit outside of their houses to talk and receive fresh air- to get away from the simmering heat indoors. Harmattan bonds people together.

Rainy Season
I love rainy season because it comes with coolness and it's refreshing. I'm always eager for the first rain after the harmattan period. There's always the joy and excitement I get from watching raindrops fall. It gives me an excuse to dressing what I like; sweats and cardigans☺️. Everywhere's always chilly and cold after a heavy downpour and I love cold weather.

Listening to music is more enjoyable during the rainy season - same as reading books and watching movies. Introverts love this weather more because they don't necessarily have to go out to relate or associate with anyone and that's because everyone would be locked up in their respective homes.
For couples, it spikes romance. We call it weather for two in Nigeria. Do they say that in your country?

Rainy season makes everywhere dull and dark which I like. It brings thunderstorms and along comes inspiration and a craving for romance - for a special person.

Rainy season is lovely.

[^1] Tell me about what you love about each season in your country or place of residence

 last year 

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