Exploring Flora And Fauna in Local Forest, North Aceh

Hey Beauty of Creativity Lovers! Today I want to share my trip story a few days ago. In fact, at that time the wound on the heel of my foot had not healed due to the accident that I had two weeks ago. But just sitting at home is, of course a very boring thing. So, I need time for a walk. It's also part of the sport, of course.
Exploring nature objects in the local forest area in Beureughang, was what I did at that time. Beureghang is a village in North Aceh district bordering Lhokseumawe, the town where I live. To go to Beureughang only takes about 25 minutes from Lhokseumawe City.
The place I visited was a moist forest area that was overgrown with oil palm and various agricultural crops belonging to local farmers. In addition, it is overgrown with bushes where you will find various kinds of small animals such as insects that are unique and beautiful.
But the big challenge is that you have to wrestle with fierce forest mosquitoes. Even though you've smeared your skin with mosquito repellent lotion, you're still the butt of them. Not only that, your skin feels hot due to irritation caused by the chemicals contained in the lotion.
The first object I found was paper wasps at work building their nests. It was a small nest inhabited by a small colony, I counted no more than 10 paper wasps.
A unique scene where you can see the teamwork in building the nest, some wasps come carrying sawdust with their jaws, then they stick the sawdust in the nest after smearing it with saliva. The nest is exactly like a chicken egg box cardboard.
Various types of beautiful butterflies and caterpillars (butterfly larvae) were also seen by me. A butterfly known as the Painted Jezebel was hanging from a nutmeg leaf. It has beautiful wings with a pattern like a painting on canvas. It was like basking in the dazzling afternoon sun.
While not far from the nutmeg tree, a brown butterfly known as the common castor was crawling on the ground. And a few meters away, on a piece of wood, a black caterpillar with a yellow and orange spotted pattern was crawling, the forerunner of the moth species Oraesia emarginata.
On a twig of weed plant, the horned treehopper was a bit timid trying to avoid my camera shot. it is quite small, so I had to use an external macro lens 20mm. It looks like a little devil because it has two horns.
Because of the humid forest area, it is not so difficult for you to find the mushrooms that grow here and there. Yes, coincidentally a few days before it rained heavily. Some of the mushrooms that were protected from the sun still looked fresh, while those that had been exposed to the sun, the caps looked had withered.
There the land is quite fertile, you can see the nutmeg plants are already bearing fruit. Farmers here in addition to drying the seeds of nutmeg to be sold in the market, the fruit can also be processed into juice that is not only delicious but also efficacious as herbs.
Well! that's my adventure story exploring flora and fauna in beureghang forest. Although tiring, but I really enjoyed it, and of course I have a story that I can share with you.
Best regards,
Camera | Xiaomi Poco X3 NFC |
Lens | External Macro Lensbong 20mm and 45 mm |
Category | Flora and Fauna Photography |
Processed | Adobe Lightroom |
Location | North Aceh, Indonesia |
- | - |
50 | 100 | 500 | 1000 |
Tus fotos son geniales te felicito en la comunidad de world of xpilar hacen concursos de fotos así considero que si lo visitas ganarás muchos premios.
Terimakasih, saya hargai saran anda. Yah, sepertinya menarik, hanya saja saya sama sekali tidak tertarik 😁