Trumpet lichens (Cladonia fimbriata)

in Beauty of Creativity4 months ago

Sometimes, it is good to explore nature deeply. Hence, we can get a handful of astonishing stuff to be captured. For instance, one of the most frequently found in nature is mushroom. Trumpet lichens (Cladonia fimbriata) have much finer and smaller reproductive structures (soredia) than the mealy pixie cup lichen (Cladonia chlorophaea.) The splash cups of mealy pixie cups are also slightly larger than those of trumpet lichens. This is the first time I’ve seen either of these trumpet shaped lichens. Interestingly, these mushrooms are edible, but they are so fragile and insubstantial that they are not worth harvesting. As most of them grew in the shady spot, I managed to take them out to the light. Some mushrooms are very small that took me some time to get the focus. The closer I look at fungi the more I love to shoot and I wish I had much time to take more shots.





CameraNikon D7000
CategoryFungi Photography
LensTamron Tele-Macro 70-300