Small Slimy Slithering Snail

in Beauty of Creativity11 months ago

It was accidentally spotted crawling on the ground, trying to find a safe spot from the hunters. When it reached a bunch of grass, I picked it up for the photos. It happened, after I took a closer look and I saw this beautiful tiny slimy slithering snail calm which immediately drew me to take some macro shots, only extreme macro device was able to cover it. Since it did not move fast, I could pick the leaf to the light space which allowed me to be able to produce some clear shots. I little did that and try to stay on the proper ISO, in consequence, I would miss the focus. Nevertheless, this snail was worth a shot as it is also considered as a part of nature that needs to be exposed. I first thought that I would not be able to capture it due to the lighting problem and waiting for it to come out was likely wasting time because the way it moved made me hate to wait. This snail is tiny and bulky with brown soft shell that can be distinguished from mature adults by the presence of lateral stripes and included in the colorless group slug, though very sticky, and it lacks a keel. It is generally seen in any well-vegetated area, including gardens. I assume, it just got its new shell that may cause fragility if I touched.





LensLensbong Macro/Modified Macro lens
 11 months ago 

আপনার ম্যাক্র ফটোগ্রাফি দেখে মুগ্ধ হয়ে গেলাম। অনেক চমৎকার ফটোগ্রাফি করেছেন আপনি

 11 months ago 

Wow! Beautiful session with a snail. The author refers to the use of a macro device to enhance the shots from his cell phone, which made the wait worth the effort and patience. I appreciate the background, the composition of some shots, however there are areas of less sharpness in the front, which tend to distract from the focal point.

    • This post was selected for the Daily Top 5 Macrophotography of Steem Lens for Apr/22/24
 11 months ago 

Wow, this is a very beautiful image capture.