Longjawed Orbweavers (Tetragnathidae)

in Beauty of Creativitylast month (edited)

When I was about to leave the hunting spot, I accidentally noticed a longjawed spider. It can be as long as, or longer than, the remainder of the cephalothorax. The orb webs built by longjawed spiders are very similar to those of the orbweavers (Araneidae), except that longjawed spiders orient the web horizontally or at an angle near the horizontal. It is classified into tiny spiders species that are commonly found in a wide variety of plants, in the bush, scrubs, and hedgerows, also sometimes hide on nearby low vegetation. To get the pictures, I had to make sure that it was steady enough as I believe, it is a typical spider that does not like to be disturbed. Thus they capture falling prey or prey flying upwards. The webs are particularly common near the edge of streams, ponds, or lakes where aquatic insects emerge from the water surface. This silver-and-green spider can be readily identified by the orange spot on the underside of the abdomen.





LensLensbong Macro/Modified Macro lens
 last month 

I felt like I saw a different kind of insect scene, I don't think I've seen any of these scenes before. But your scenes were quite good.