Steemit Nursery User Recognition Weekly Report | August 25, 2021

Hello Team,
I'm back with yet another report on Steemit Nursery's User Recognition Report for last week. We are overjoyed to see our family/s rise and we are constantly working to assign labels to each user and to update the labels of our current users. I'd like to thank my whole team and everyone for their love and support.
On Steemit Nursery, we divide our users into three classes based on their Steemit age:
* Newborn/ Date of Joining Steemit: Age on Steemit 0-6 weeks
* Toddler/ Date of Joining Steemit: Age on Steemit 6 weeks - 2 months
* Alumni/ Date of Joining Steemit: Over 2 months on Steemit

For Alumni (which are not under the 500 SP Support Program):
- You may post your entry post into the contest organized by the Steemit Nursery Team
- You may post any helpful content for Newcomers.
- You should NOT post your other general content here❌
- If you continue to do so, we may mute your posts anytime! So make sure you follow these rules.
For Newborns & Toddlers:
Please make a note and make sure you have the "Achievement 1" link at the end of your every post in Steemit Nursery so that we will get to know you all. Also please remember to put a tag of your country name from where you are steeming as one of your tags, for example, if you currently reside in India, then use the tag #India. Please do remember to follow these 2 very important rules in every post.

Our team is also working with the 500 SP Support Team and you may all check the 500SP Minnow Support Program for Newcomers for detailed information and if you feel you are eligible for the support, you may apply for the same.
We also encourage all the users to check out the
📢 Announcement: Steemit Crypto Academy Beginners Package 📚🚀 and take part in Steemit Crypto Academy classes.

Lately, we are getting tagged by the @endingplagiarism as users are posting plagiarised posts in the community, which is not a good sign and we do not support such activity. We request all the members not to support and practice this culture under the Steemit.
Please note that, you can make your blog/post in any community or relevant community but one blog/post in only one community.
Please do not post the same post in different communities because the Steemit communities doesn't support such activity and sees that as spamming.
We have also started taking action and giving/updating labels to "Endingplagiarism List" and maintaining a list from today itself. As of now, we have only below users under this "Endingplagiarism List".
Current Plagiarists List in Steemit Nursury

Below is the list of users who have been labeled so far this week, and we are working round the clock to give a label or update your labels:
Steemit Nursery User labeling

I'd like to welcome💐you all back to Seemit Nursery and congratulate👏🏻 you on your new label on behalf of my whole team. We are overjoyed to see your performance and are awestruck by your work. Keep up the good work and continue to Steem.
👉🏻Seemit Nursery Weekly Report: 1st Report from the announcement of Seemit Nursery
👉🏻Seemit Nursery User Recognition Weekly Report | 30th April 2021
👉🏻Seemit Nursery User Recognition Weekly Report | 7th May 2021
👉🏻Steemit Nursery User Recognition Weekly Report | 15th May 2021
👉🏻Steemit Nursery User Recognition Weekly Report | 23rd May 2021
👉🏻Steemit Nursery User Recognition Weekly Report | 31st May 2021
👉🏻Steemit Nursery User Recognition Weekly Report | 8th June 2021
👉🏻Steemit Nursery User Recognition Weekly Report | 15th June 2021
👉🏻Steemit Nursery User Recognition Weekly Report | 22nd June, 2021 | Must check out by all users
👉🏻Steemit Nursery User Recognition Weekly Report | 1st July, 2021 |
👉🏻Steemit Nursery User Recognition Weekly Report | 9tht July, 2021
👉🏻Steemit Nursery User Recognition Weekly Report | 18th July, 2021
👉🏻Steemit Nursery User Recognition Weekly Report | 27th July, 2021
👉🏻Steemit Nursery User Recognition Weekly Report | 4th Aug-21
👉🏻Steemit Nursery User Recognition Weekly Report | 11th Aug-21
👉🏻Steemit Nursery User Recognition Weekly Report | August 18, 2021

CC: @steemcurator01, @steemitnursery, & @cryptokannon
With Love From,
Seemit Nursery Team
Thank you!
I would like a membership title at Steemit Nursery Community and I have read and understand the Rules & Guidelines of Steemit Nursery Community. Attached is my Achievement 1 post link:
Thank you for commenting! You are already part of the Steemit Nursery Family.
Have a pleasant stay in Steemit Nursery Community, Thank you! 💐
Best regards,
Steemit Nursery Team
Me gustaria obtener un titulo d membresia en Steemit Nursery Community, he revisado las reglas y pautas de la comunidad y estoy de acuerdo con ellas. Dejo el enlace de mi Logro 1 .
We will happy to have you in our Steemit Nursery Family. Please post your introduction post or any other post in Steemit Nursery and you may tag us again so that we can give you a label.
Best regards,
Steemit Nursery Team
Thank you so much por aceptarme, hoy mismo haré mi presentacion.
Thank you for the concise report
I would like a membership title at Steemit Nursery Community and I have read and understand the Rules & Guidelines of Steemit Nursery Community. please you can check in my achievement 1 to know more about me.
We will happy to have you in our Steemit Nursery Family. Please post your introduction post or any other post in Steemit Nursery and you may tag us again so that we can give you a label.
Best regards,
Steemit Nursery Team
thanks for helping me on this. please what is the tag i,m suppose to use
Your country name tag is a must on your all posts like "India" for the under from India. Other than the country name tag, there is a log of tags that users use like "steemexclusive, steemit" etc. You can refer other users posts.
Best regards,
Steemit Nursery Team
Okay. Thanks
Okay. Thanks . Please how can I join the 500sp support program .. please help me on this
Please check out 500SP Minnow Support Program: Curation List - Updated 22/08/2021 for more details and if you feel you are eligible, you can apply for the same.
Have a pleasant stay in Steemit Nursery Community, Thank you! 💐
Best regards,
Steemit Nursery Team
thanks for the kind reply
Hello... my dears friends... thank you for the label.. i would like to share more i formation on this space.. greetings...