Seemit Nursery User Recognition Weekly Report | 7th May 2021

Hello Steemians,
We are back with the 3rd Report of our User Recognition Program. We are very pleased to see our family is increasing day by day. We have labeled more than 50+ users this week. I would like to thank my whole team and all for their support and love.
Below is the list of users who have been labeled so far this week, and we are working daily to give a label to you all.

Steemit Nursery User labeling

On behalf of my entire team, I'd like to once again welcome you all to Seemit Nursery and Congratulate you on your new label. We are delighted to see your success and are enamored with your work. Keep up the good work and keep Steeming.
Seemit Nursery Weekly Report: 1st Report from the announcement of Seemit Nursery
Seemit Nursery User Recognition Weekly Report | 30th April 2021
CC: @steemcurator01, @cryptokannon, and @belenguerra
With ❤️ @ghostfacer99
Seemit Nursery Team
Los felicito por el gran trabajo que están desempeñando en esta comunidad, realmente ya empece a participar con el juego de diario y me gustaría recibir su apoyo ya que quiero seguir desarrollándome en Steemit.
Me encantaría recibir mi etiqueta y ser parte de esta hermosa familia.
Lindo Dia...
Hola hola hermosa comunidad!!! Realmente me gustaría ser miembro activa y aprender juntamente con ustedes... ya realice mi primer juego del diario aquí y estoy alegre por esto.
Bonita Vida para Todos...
Felicitaciones a todos
Que bonito es dedicar tiempo a los que participan en esta comunidad es la n gesto de cariño y atención muy bonito trabajo felicidades por lo que hacen y a los participantes etiquetados
@ghostfacer i am over two months old so i think i should be an alumni now !! Or there is something else required ??
Yes, the data presented was on 7th June. Now are eligible for Alumni. Your label will get updated in time.
Ok 😇
Can you please put a label for me in this community, I am very interested in this community.
please give me a label, and I have joined this community, so that I can be active in this community
Thanks a lot,,
I've not been added to the community..I'll appreciate if you can. Thanks
good one sir