 2 months ago (edited)

But I'm happy to see that he still remembers that steemit exists...

And yet the presence of artificial intelligence in the future project scares me. This could fundamentally change the platform. Steemit may never exist again as we know it.

Facebook has been talking about a new "feature" involving AI characters and Twitter has Truth Terminal. I could see this being good or bad. Just depends on how intrusive they are, and whether they spur genuine engagement or not...

For example, it might be fun to have AI characters who are trained to respond like Einstein or Beethoven or Steve Jobs. It all depends on the implementation, I guess.

No idea if that's the direction things are headed, though. And none of that is really groundbreaking at this point. Overall, I'm optimistic about it, just because it signals support for the ecosystem. (assuming it doesn't just fizzle out).

Update: FWIW, I noticed that the JS Twitter account is following Truth Terminal.

I noticed that the JS Twitter account is following Truth Terminal.

I noticed that too. This suggests that the new project will be something similar, which will communicate with users through posts and comments. In fact, it will be another user, only AI. This is just my guess.