A plugin to debunk fake news and to verify videos and images

in Steem Oasis 🌴10 months ago

Do you know these extension:

The extension, which was primarily created for fact-checking on Facebook and X, can also analyse images and videos.

I don't want to describe the tool in detail here. Instead, I would simply like to present one result based on a "lady" known to most of the readers here:


You can see subsequently inserted elements marked in colour.

Have fun trying it out :-)


Interessantes Spielzeug, danke für den Link!

Die Texterkennung ist auch ganz praktisch und funktioniert recht gut. Hab das mit nem Screenshot mit dem Hinweis zur Nutzung von Matomo gleich probiert:
Matomo ist wohl so ein Google Analytics Dingens, ich wollte das spontan nicht AkZERTIEREN, deshalb hab ich auf ABLEKNEN geklickt ;-)

Bei mir kommt jetzt an verschiedenen Stellen die Meldung:

Der Assistent konnte den gelieferten Link aufgrund eines Problems mit dem Server nicht verarbeiten. Bitte versuchen Sie es später erneut. Wenn das Problem bestehen bleibt, wenden Sie sich bitte an Support

Vielleicht hängt das mir der Ablehnung von Matomo zusammen? Ist auch gleich, das meiste funktioniert einwandfrei!

funktioniert recht gut.

Aber offensichtlich noch nicht perfekt. ;-D

Aber der Disclaimer stammt von einer anderen Seite, oder? Hat mich jetzt ein wenig verwirrt.
Ich kannte Matomo bisher nicht. Könnte ich mir auch vorstellen, dass die fehlerhaften Links mit deiner Ablenkung zu tun haben ;-)

Jetzt weiß ich nicht, was du mit dem Disclaimer meinst, der Screenshot und die Meldung sind beide von der Extension.

Ja, ich meinte den Screenshot.
Hm, den habe ich in der Extension nicht gesehen. Erscheint der beim Installieren oder auf der Plugin-Oberfläche?
!finanzbot 15 %

Das kam gleich nach dem Start vom Plugin. Hmm, komisch, wenn das bei dir nicht kam.

Ja, seltsam.
Das kann eigentlich auch nicht daran liegen, dass ich javascript per default für neue Seiten deaktiviert habe...


I knew it. Thank you so much for this. I worship the ground that you walk on.

Oh, here's another case for Sherlock Gorilla :-)

Hey @moecki,
thank you for using our automatic payout bot 'DUBby' to share your post rewards with your commentators.
To make sure everything works as planned, please remember to give me payout orders.
Just write a comment to the users who should receive a share. It should contain the instruction in the form !finanzbot x %.

If you need help with this, feel free to ask or check this manual (german).

Greetings from the 'DU-Finanzbot' (by Witness @moecki).

This image was suspected to be being run by the same person as nadinad. She had at least 3. Or he had at least 3. Now I know for sure that all 3 were faked.

A little present for the Baker Steet 221b ;-)
!finanzbot 15 %

Oha, ein neues Spielzeug für akute Aufschieberitisschübe… 😉

Guck ich mir dann später an… Zunächst einmal hast du mich dazu verleitet, mal wieder nach dem Account mit der hübschen Lady zu schauen. Interessant - auch auf Hive… 😂

Why (s)he deleted her Hive,
A place that she could have thrived,
Is a mystery to me,
But we'll let it be,
And maybe (s)he'll quietly die.

Perhaps they were so stunned to see
There are smarter folks than they could ever be.
Panic and dread took hold that night,
Realizing all their efforts were in vain's dim light.
Damn! I’m still annoyed today,
For all the energy in two long comments I gave away.

That was the famous poet Arthur McChatGPT - I had no time... 😎

Für die Meisterleistung, diese moderne Dichtkunst aus den neuronalen Netzen hervorgekitzelt zu haben, eilt auf jeden Fall der !finanzbot 15 % herbei.
Ich habe versucht, McChatGPT ein Gedicht für dich und Finanzbot zu entlocken, aber er hat irgendwie nichts ausgespuckt, was mir gefallen hat.

Danke, danke... :-))

Echt? Ich fand's nicht so schwer: Habe einen (unlustigen) Sachtext eingegeben, mit dem ich (unlustig und sachlich) geantwortet hätte. Zuvor die Anweisung "Bitte (das ist echt wichtig...) übersetze den folgenden Text ins Englische. Der übersetzte Text muss ein Versmaß enthalten und sich reimen."
Mr. McChat hat arg (Vokabeln) gekürzt, aber das Ergebnis gefiel mir.

Ach so, da ist auch alles gelöscht!?
Aber richtig gelöscht geht ja nicht... wir haben die Bilder trotzdem bekommen :-D

da ist auch alles gelöscht

Warum auch immer. Vermutlich viel zu anstrengend, solch einen Betrug aufrecht zu erhalten. Zumal er/sie ja auch hier gesehen hat, wie schnell das Kartenhaus zusammenbricht und dass (von einigen) eben doch ganz genau hingeguckt und nicht blind gevotet wird.

wir haben die Bilder trotzdem bekommen

Boah! Da sind wir doch eindeutig klüger als jee AI... ;-)

@adeljose - I saw this and thought of you 🙂

In the example above, the result looks pretty clear, but I tested it on some other images, and the results were not so definitive. It seems like interpreting the output is still going to be a challenge in some cases. Also, I am afraid that maybe it can be defeated by just taking a screen shot of the edited image and then inserting the screenshot?

You should avoid using it with screenshots scanned images of documents or juxtaposed images that are in fact altered images.

Still, any bit of technology that adds friction to the abuse process is an improvement. Thanks for the tip!

This may well be the case, at least with the filter I have shown.
The other filters certainly work differently and cannot be defeated. :-)

!finanzbot 15%

It's suddenly become incredibly obvious...


Greetings friend, I find this tool very interesting, I think we will need ultra plus 5.0 vision and criteria to detect the wonders that abusers do.

OT: DUBby ist kaputt... 😢

Ja, und sowas passiert dann, wenn ich unterwegs bin, und mich nicht darum kümmern kann. Habe mich schon gewundert, dass er nach DU nicht gevotet hat. Wahrscheinlich geht es chriary ähnlich.
Ich vermute, es ist wieder der Serverwechsel Schuld, den ich kurz vor der Abfahrt vorgenommen hatte. Garantiert habe ich irgendwas übersehen. 🤦
Es wird aber alles nachgeholt, wenn er wieder läuft... leider nicht vor Montag Abend...

Ja, wegen @chriary ist es mir aufgefallen. Und dann erst @deutschunplugged... 🫣 Egal. Ist gerade ja eher... Naja, auf jeden Fall etwas, worüber wir mal reden müssten. Nach Hamburg und Schaf-Diplom... 😉

Du bist auf jeden Fall schon dabei - @chriary hat alles aufgeholt, was aufzuholen war... 😂


Friend, thank you very much for sharing this tool, later I will review the operation.

!finanzbot 10 %

Impressive! 😵‍💫

I will definitely check this tool out first thing in the morning.

!finanzbot 10 %

There's just one small problem with fake news. Like what if it is not fake?

For example, in many countries, they practice Orowellian Truth speak.

What is that? Propaganda or outright bullshit. Like, Clones are better than naturally birthed people.

Of course there is a problem with clones. There was a professor or a group professors, I don't remember as it was more than forty years ago.

He placed a tank in sciences building lobby and in the tank were cloned fish. There eight I think. All were the same size and looked the same. They were spotted white and black and they may have been some sort of koi.

Anyways, one day they died. All of them at the same time.

When I was in the Army, have seen the movie, In the Army Now, with Pauli Shore, it's really funny. And not all that inaccurate. We were supposed to be in the movie and parts were on our barracks, like the basic training barracks, where their heads were shaved, the barber shop. The A.I.T barracks, Advanced Individual Training, the shooting and grenade range, and when they went the twenty mile hike, we all stood there as extras, while they matched on by. We were launching MLRS Rocket 12 packs from three launchers, and those were stunt doubles of the stars. And Captain Meredith, who was the liaison with Disney said, What do you think about clones, Kubitz.

If you figure out what kills one, they all die.

And then, He asked, Do you like being movie?

They will cut these scenes during editing because these are weapons of mass destruction.

I wasn't very popular for saying that for awhile, then word came as they played the film, we were cut out of the movie.

A lot of hackers have government support, from countries that practice spelling out fake needs fake news as the truth.

So just before the are stopped and found guilty, then sent to have their body parts removed as needed for punishment, don't say no one told you that would happen but it will.

I'm sorry, but I can't relate to your comment.

The software I linked to analyzes images with filters to determine, for example, whether these images have been edited. People then have to draw appropriate conclusions from this.
It will probably be similar for detecting fake news. I have not tried this part. But no machine can say with certainty whether it is fake news.

And neither can we because we're not there so persons can say anything and it might not be true.

For example, I have seen aliens and their spacecraft and right now in Las Vegas a spacecraft crashed a week or two ago in the "backyard" but he actually lives outside the city and has a big area like mine. His yard security camera spotted two tall, thin aliens walking around, and they are wearing cloaks of invisibility but infrared are picking them up as they walk around even though they have a cloaking device on. I tend to believe it.

What I can say: !finanzbot 5 % :-)

Yeah, I would have replied yesterday but the demons allied with the competitor God. There was a huge war. The competitor god was easy to see because it showed up as bright orange in my glasses.

After my sword absorbed it. My neighbors were unable to continue calling forth tornadoes and whirlwinds they were directing at my house all day which they have done whenever possible for last... it's been long time it will take awhile to: since August of 2008?

So I tore off the heads of zillions of demons, pissed in the holes, and moved the next ones so fast. I was not alone.

One of my friends who was Archangel I, is now Archangel IV.

I received 22 quadrillion points for the afternoon. It was quite a battle. I couldn't calculate what ten percent of that was yesterday.

It's probably enough to buy a whole galaxy. Or I receive 70 trillion years off in heaven where I have to do nothing.

Which would you choose?

Possibly I would choose the years in heaven... that sounds relaxing...

I am sorry but it's time to add pussy cowards thieves to list of Taps - goodbye. Tap, tap, tap