PCR | we are on the way back home from the first PCR-test we had in our family. ...
... Unfortunately my daughter had to make this test today as one of the teachers in her school got tested positive last Friday.
She was brave like a viking and did not drop any tear, so mommy went quick to the candy store to buy some sweets while we waited in the car.
Not the best start for a new week but hey, that's part of 2020 I believe and now we just cross fingers that the test will come back negative🤞🏻
Have a great Monday legends🤙🏻
Stay healthy all the time you are your daughter and your family.❤🙏 stay safe dear..happy Monday legend ❤🤜🤛🤙
thanks bro👊🏼you too stay safe
You're so beautiful❤ have a happy day❤
Best wishes for you & your family, hopefully the test will be negetive
thanks👊🏼appreciate it
I keep my fingers crossed for your whole family that you all are and will stay healthy.🤞🏻🤗
Danke dir🙏🏼beste Grüße in den Norden
Hope the result will be negative. Best wish for you and your family friend. No matter how the situation is. We always can say have a nice day 🤙🏻
absolutely👊🏼thanks bro, appreciate it, have a great day
Beautiful angle
its Tesla Selfie mode😅
Why u so rich 💰
Hopefully your daughter's test will come negative.👍 We all hope that one day this world will be saved from the infection of Corona virus✌️. So everyone is safe and healthy💞
yes, lets hope for the best🙏🏼happy Monday
Hope you are all okay ❤
thanks Sergio, how are you? hope you are fine and you see some light at the end of the tunnel🙏🏼
All the best U or all
thanks, you too🙏🏼
I have a couple of Friend's in Germany who say they are getting ready to lockdown again! Damn..
Hope the PCR test is Negative & you guys stay Positive ✌🏻✌🏻
thanks my friend🙏🏼will keep you posted