Missing my TCC Pep Squad Family

in RECREATIVE STEEM2 months ago


It has been more than 10 years since I joined my college sxhool's pep squad and as I scrolled back memories of the wonderful times we had bavk then, it made me miss them more. Nostalgia feeling rippled inside me as I watched our dance during the National competition.








Then uears might be long but the memories we had during our practice and final dance is fresh in my heart. Every tumbling success and fail during the practice is our motivation of working even harder to get the perfect dance.

Every jump and every fall of our lady dancers, even injuries made us all strong, connected and made us even stronger as a team. Our coach, sir Jules, he is strict but every move he teaches us to do, every scoldinga nd every advice made us champion in the National division.

This is our logo, we are the TCC pep squad!


Ten long years has cut our communications as we each had our family and other priorities. I wonder what they are doing now, and how they had been.

Too bad this amazing experience was halted by my father when he knew I was dancing and sent me to Manila to my sister because his friend told him I was dancing with the pep squad and he did not like it, not knowing we already had trophies won.

This amazing adventure is my treasure that will never be taken from me.
