Chopping Firewood on a Wonderful Weekend

in RECREATIVE STEEM14 days ago

Hello, again everyone! It's my honor to be here with you again today and share a piece of my life with you all.


Today, I will be sharing about the wonderful weekend I had with my wife on the farm where I chopped firewood for our use at home.

We could have used gas or electricity to cook but we are findings ways to lessen the amount we use for living so we could invest it into the farm we are planning to have and besides that, the fire cooked food is more delicious.


It was a wonderful weekend so I and my wife decided to go to the farm to chop some firewood. There were many trees on the farm that needs cutting because they could disturb the crops so I chopped them off and brought to the tiny house my mother in law had.

Cutting the wood and carrying them for hundreds of meters is very laborious but what can I do? I would not let my wife do it so I pursued with the job and thankfully I made it.

Here are random photos my wife took while I was chopping the wood






I am thankful to my wife because we took turns in cutting the wood shorter and by that I was able to rest for a few minutes since the work is not easily done.

My son was with us at that time too but he was too busy with the cute little puppies on the farm

The farm was a very wonderful place to stay because it was very far from roads and highways; birds and crickets can be heard in this place too! But as much as I wanted to stay a little longer after our work was done, we had to hurry home because we have not brought lunch with us and my son was getting hungry already.

To make our visit and work to the farm productive, we brought some of the wood I chopped home and used it in cooking our food.

We also gave some to my mother in law and she was very glad for our initiative. They too had hard time getting firewood and it was wonderful to hear her thank me and my wife.

This will be all for now, thank you for your time and support!


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Saludos. Cortaste bastante leñan, por mi país cuando hay escases de gas lo que buscan es pura leña para cocinar, gracias a Dios que esta esta opción.