Increasing the capacity of village officials and strengthening togetherness


full of togetherness

Today I attended a meeting with village officials to discuss increasing the capacity of village officials. This meeting is very important to ensure that each village official understands their duties and responsibilities better, so that services to the community can be more optimal.

ongoing meeting agenda

The meeting started in the morning at the Ghataf Kopi Premium restaurant, the VIP room that had been booked in advance, and several community leaders were present. There we discussed various aspects related to improving training, work programs, and strategies to improve public services. The discussion was serious but remained in a family atmosphere. Each participant was given the opportunity to express their opinions and input in order to build a better village.

Towards noon we held coffee time as a break to keep the atmosphere fresh and the participants focused. A cup of hot coffee accompanied by light snacks became a fatigue reliever in the middle of a fairly intense discussion. The atmosphere was more relaxed, and several participants began to chat lightly about their experiences in carrying out their duties in the village.


enjoy coffee, juice and french fries

After a short break and the meeting continued until the afternoon. After all the discussion agendas were completed, we closed the meeting with lunch together. Simple but delicious dishes were served, and we really enjoyed this togetherness as a form of solidarity between village officials.

Moments like this are very important, not only to discuss important issues in village government, but also to strengthen relations between village officials. With good communication and solid cooperation, it is hoped that all village officials can carry out their duties optimally for the welfare of the community.

moment while attending a meeting with village officials

Today was a valuable experience. In addition to gaining many new insights, I also felt a strong sense of togetherness among the village officials. Hopefully the results of this meeting can be implemented immediately and have a positive impact on our village.

Regard @fajrulakmal99