" Tuesday Arts and Crafts " || Aesthetic Drawing of Lovely Couple||

Couple Photo Background Wedding Instagram Post_20250318_233041_0000.png

Cordial Greetings Recreative Steem !

I am @aliraza1234 from Pakistan !

How are you my friends ? I hope you are all will be good.I am also fine friends.Today I am here in arts and crafts day to show my drawing skills.Allah blessed me with the talent of drawing. I draw a beautiful drawing of a beautiful couple.They looks very beautiful. I hope this is according to your expectations.Now its time to start the drawing.

Material Needed
  • Lead Pencil ✏️
  • Eraser
  • Black Pointer
  • Light Brown Lead pencil color
  • Dark Blue pencil color
  • Purple pencil color
  • Red pencil color
Step 1

I started to draw a shape of boy head.Then I draw the round shape of boy face. I draw a right side ear of boy. I also draw a neck of boy. I draw again the right side shoulder of boy. Then I draw the shape of boy T shirt. I made a perfect half shape of boy. I draw a shape of hair on his forehead. After that I draw the shape of two legs of a boy. First I draw the shapes of right side leg of a boy and then I draw the shape second leg of a boy.I also a shapes of foot below the legs. I draw the shape of right side foot and I also draw the shape of left side leg.

Step 2

In second step I also draw a shape of a girl's hair on the left side of a boy. I draw the shape of hair on the head of a girl. I draw a shape of girl face. I draw a shape of left side ear of a girl. Then I draw the shape of neck of girl.I also draw the shape of shoulder of a girl.I draw the shape of left side arm of a girl. Then I draw the shape of frock of a girl. So I complete the upper portion of a girl. I also draw a two legs of a girl. First I draw the right side leg of a girl and then I draw the second leg of a girl which is in the ear.Then I draw the shapes of two foot of a girl.

Step 3

In Third step I draw the shape of eyes of a boy. I also draw a shape of eye brow. Then I draw the shape of nose of the boy. I also draw the shape of two eyes. I again draw the shape of nose of a girl. So I mad my couple drawing perfectly. After that I bolded the shape of a beautiful couple drawing with black pointer.

Step 4

In fourth step I started colored in the face of a boy with light brown Lead pencil. I colored in his neck. I colored in his right arm and then I coloring in boy jeans pent with dark blue pencil.Then I colored in the face of girl with light brown Lead pencil color .Then I colored in the neck of girl with light brown Lead pencil color . I started coloring in the right side leg of a girl and I draw the second leg of a girl. At the end I started the color of boy hair with black pointer and the I colored in to the hair of girl.

Step 5

In fifth step I write the word love with Black Pointer in boy shirt. Then I fill it the word love with red pencil color. I colored purple in the boy shoes.Then I colored in the girl frock with dark blue color . I also colored in the girl shoes with purple pencil color. Then I draw heart with black pointer on the left side of a girl and then I colored in the with red pencil color.Now I made a perfect and beautiful drawing of a couple. This couple show love to each other. This lovely couple looks so happy and attractive.


My selfie with my drawing :


Thank you ! For being with me.

Cc , @RecreativeSteem

Regards , @aliraza1234


Upvoted! Thank you for supporting witness @jswit.