Who is at risk of thyroid problems? Disease symptoms, causes, treatment.steemCreated with Sketch.

in RECREATIVE STEEM6 months ago (edited)

The thyroid is a small gland that wraps around the windpipe at the front of the neck. Its shape is like a butterfly, with two small wings in the middle.

Image source: Freepik

Dr. Shahzada Salim, associate professor of endocrinology department of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University and specialist in hormones and diabetes, gave details about this matter.

There are many glands in our body, they help us to perform a specific function in our body Thyroid is one such gland.

The function of this gland is mainly to produce some essential hormones (thyroid hormones) in our body. There is a specific level of this thyroid hormone in the body. If the hormone is produced more or less than a certain level, it can have an adverse effect on the body.

If the body produces less thyroid hormone, it is called hypothyroidism and if it is produced more, it is called hyperthyroidism. Some changes can be observed in the body if there is a thyroid problem.

Depending on how far the disease has progressed, various symptoms or signs appear in the body In this case, the symptoms that may occur are:

It will be cold soon,
dry skin,
Sudden unusual weight gain or loss,
Sometimes the face may become swollen.
The tone of voice may change.
muscle weakness,
muscle pain,
Menstrual cycle changes in women,
hair loss,
memory loss,

Who is more at risk?

Anyone can be affected by thyroid Many people think that only women have this disease. But this idea is wrong. Men can also have this disease However, women are more prone to this disease than men

Especially after menopause, women are more affected by this disease So women should be aware of this disease as they grow older.

Causes of thyroid problems:

The 2 main types of thyroid disease are hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism. Both conditions can be caused by other diseases, which affect the functioning of the thyroid gland. This problem can be due to various reasons.

For example –

iodine deficiency,
Malfunction of other glands in the body,
Congenital defects of the thyroid gland.

Treatment of thyroid problems:

There is no cure for any disease. Treatment must be taken, along with certain rules and regulations. But the treatment of thyroid disease depends on the patient's body condition and the type of disease. If some preventive and remedial measures are taken to get rid of any other disease, recovery can be expected. But the mainstays of treatment for thyroid disease are medication, surgery, hormones and radiation.

If a person is diagnosed with thyroid disease then he has to take medication for the rest of his life. It takes such a long time to undergo treatment, which is really annoying and difficult. But one consolation is that the drugs prescribed for thyroid treatment are very cheap. Food supplements can also be taken.

However, if someone is suffering from thyroid disease during pregnancy, the amount of tablets becomes a little more. But every drug is readily available. They are easily available everywhere from villages.

If you have thyroid symptoms, immediately take advice of a good doctor, check his instructions and live according to the instructions. Look at the food. Since iodine deficiency can lead to thyroid problems, eat enough iodine-rich foods to supply the body with enough iodine.

Before closing my today's topic, I want to invite @steemcurator03 , @hive-141434, @ninfa18 , @ciru2014.

Data source: Daily Star