Acts of Animal Kindness in Your Daily Life | by @kuhinoor.

in Steem of Animals2 months ago (edited)

I am @kuhinoor From Bangladesh.

Assalamu Alaikum. How are you all, I hope you are well by the grace of God. I am also fine by God's infinite mercy. Best wishes to all. Today I'm going to participate in a content contest in the Steam of Animals community. The title of the contest is Acts of Animal Kindness in Your Daily Life | by @username Thanks @uzma4882 for organizing such a nice.


  • Every living being and animal is dependent on man. It is the duty of every human being to show kindness to living beings. Animals are always around humans, always dependent on human beings. It is the duty of every human being to always go ahead with their help.

What to do when an animal gets sick? If the initial treatment does not heal, consult a doctor. Be aware of animal food. according to the rulesGive them food. Serving them healthy food.
Cows, goats, poultry, etc. want to make the homestead healthy. If animals are allowed to live in damp or wet places, they will quickly become ill. Cows and goats will show symptoms of various foot diseases.


  • If animals do not have enough light and air in their living quarters, they will quickly become ill from heat and coldThey must be kept aware of adequate cold during the season. Special fun should be taken so as not to get too cold.
    Many times cows or goats are kept in stables near ponds, rivers, canals, bels, reservoirs and high low places or branches for light and air.


It has many dangers. Many times animals are likely to die by falling into the water. A pregnant cow and goat give birth and the baby falls into the waterThere is a 100% chance of dying. Therefore, it is necessary to pay special attention to the house for keeping cows and goats.


Animals survive the kindness of humans. We must be aware and kind to them.
Cruelty and cruelty to any animal should not be shown.

Captured taken using Smartphone SumSum Galaxy A24 Images & text are my own Location :Chandpur, Bangladesh

Thanks everyone reading my content.


TEAM 5 Congratulations! This post has been voted through steemcurator07. We support quality posts, good comments anywhere and any tags.


Curated By @muzack1

 2 months ago 

Benar sekali teman kita harus berbelas kasian terhadap hewan karena dia juga mahluk ciptaan Tuhan juga yang sama dengan kita, akan tetapi untuk berharap banyak pada orang lain sungguh sangat sulit teman

Saya banyak melihat hewan-hewan seperti kucing, anjing sering di aniaya dan di bunuh secara kejam, walaupun demikian tidak sedikit juga orang baik di dunia ini yang perduli terhadap hewan-hewan ini.

Saya sangat senang sekali jika berhubungan dengan orang-orang yang sepaham dengan saya yang menyayangi hewan tersebut.


At home we all keep pets including cows and goats. We benefit greatly from nurturing and fulfilling food needs in our daily lives. Keep the animals you show. Of course it adds money to us.