Protected animals in my country, "Nigeria"


Greetings to all my distinguished Steemians* especially lovers of Animals it is a thing of joy that I have this opportunity to share with us creatures that are gradually vacating my country Nigeria. It may interest one to know that Nigeria is a country known to be the home of very varying animals.

However, most of these animals are gradually going into extinction due to several factors including; deforestation, haunting, climate change and bushing burning to mention but a few. Though there are numerous animals facing this threat, I will be presenting to us five notable animals gradually going into extinction here in Nigeria. I will also talk about their population status, threats to their survival and essential laws safeguarding them. The animals under considering include;

Nigerian-Cameroon ChimpanzeeWhite-Throated GuenonWest African Dwarf CrocodileAfrican Golden Cat
Nigerian-Cameroon Chimpanzee

Animal population status: In regards population status, the Nigerian-Cameroon Chimpanzee also known as the Pan troglodytes Ellioti is a member of the Chimpanzees family which is considered to be highly endangered because, research indicates that there are fewer than 6000 Nigerian-Cameroon Chimpanzee on existence with majority of it being found in the Cross River National Park and other surrounding forest reserves in Nigeria.

Threats to Survival: many factors are responsible for the spontaneous decrease in the population of this animal and among them include;

DeforestationBush meat hauntingPet TradeBush burning etc

Deforestation which deals with the cutting down of forest trees contributes to the extinction of The Nigerian-Cameroon Chimpanzee. This owes to the effects of deforestation on forest trees. This making the forest to be light. Since Chimpanzee has great taste for thick forest, they have no choice but to find her niche. For emphasis reasons, deforestation ranges from the logging, urbanization and civilization makes the animals moved into extinction gradually.

Chimpanzee being a good bushmeat is highly sought after by most hunters for Bush meat. The Continuous haunting of this animal reduces its number as some of them dies while others run for safety.

Pet Trade is the process of illegally capturing the baby Chimpanzee and using or trading it to be used as pet. This is mostly done after killing the mother or variably, after scaring the money away.

The setting of fire in forest for the purpose of agriculture is one of the greatest threats to Chimpanzees. As they would always run for their safety.

Legal Protection: Due to the population status of the Nigerian-Cameroon Chimpanzee, the animal is protected understand the Nigerian Endangered Species (Control of International Trade and Traffic) ACT, Cap E9 LFN 2004 and is also listed as part of the CITES Appendix 1, This first protection is an indication that international trading of this animal is highly prohibited.

In addition to this, conservation groups, such as the Nigerian conversation Foundation (NCF) also helps to protect the Nigerian-Cameroon Chimpanzee.

White-Throated Guenon

The White-Throated Guenon, an animal with a beautiful colored skin. Systematically it is being referred to as Cercopithecus erythrogaster.


Animal Population Status: this coloured monkey is critically moving to a region of no return. Records as it that they are few of 1,500 individuals left in the entire country of Nigeria. This remaining white throated Guenon could be seen in Omo Forest reserve rainforest, The Cross River National Park and certain Nigeria Delta axis.

Threats to Survival: he following factors contributes effectively to the gradual extinction of the white throated Guenon this forming a threat to them. They include;

Habitat DestructionIllegal HuntingPet Trade

Habitat destruction occurs as a result of industrialization, civilization, and Agricultural practices. The process where thick forest which was meant for animals hideout are being cleared and used for many other purposes leads to the phenomenon known as habitat destruction. When this happens, the white throated Guenon evacuates the environment.

Hunting, whether legal or illegal leads to the destruction and killing of the white throated Guenon. In most cases those whose life has been threatened moves away into region of no region. This as well prompt the extinction of these animals into areas they will be welcomed.
Another Threat pulling down the white throated Guenon is what is been considered Pet Trade. Here, this animals are captured and traded to people who uses them to have fun (pets) though, this act is illegal, it is still being practiced.

Legal Protection: the white throated Guenon forms part of the animals strongly protected under Nigeria's Endangered Species Act (2004) and as well listed in CITEs Appendix II, this means that the trading of this animal is highly prohibited and regulated. In addition to this, National Parks and conservation projects works towards ensuring that their habitat is being protected though illegal hunting still remains a challenge.

The West African Dwarf Crocodile

The name of the crocodile speaks more of its morphology. It is systematically known as Osteolaemus tetraspis, a very unique reptile among the crocodiles


Animal Population Status: This unique creature is often referred to as being vulnerable and it records a declining population in the Okumu National Park, Cross River wetland and park, Nigeria Delta area to mention but a few. Though their exact figure is not known, it is observed that their population is gradually decreasing and at a very speedy rate.

Threats to Survival: Many factors mitigate against this animal and there include;

PoachingWater PollutionHabitat Destruction

Poaching comes in as a lots of people hunts this animal and uses them as meat. Though, I am yet to have a taste, it is always said that this meat is always a very tasty one. In addition to using it as meat, many people also uses it's skin for making bags and shoes since it makes a good leather.

Water Pollution which has to do with the dumping of unwanted and toxic chemicals into the water. This a common practice around the Niger Delta region as oil spillage is becoming the talk of the town. Agricultural chemical washed by rainfall is another caused of water pollution which endangers their life.

Habitat Destruction though is not common, but the process whereby wet
Land is being cleared and used for farming, roads construction, Urban development such as industrialization etc affects their habitat greatly and these is tagged habitat destruction

Legal Protection: the West African Dwarf Crocodile is protected under Nigeria's Endangered Species Act (2004) and listed in CITES APPENDIX 1, which indicates the regulation and ban of international trades on this animal. Also, there are laws from conservation bodies guiding against poaching and destruction of wetlands.

African Golden Cat

The African golden cat is indeed a golden species of cat that is why it is becoming very difficult to find just like pure gold. Systematically, it is labeled as Caracal aurata


Animal Population Status: though this very specie of animal is not threatened, however, it is near threatened. With this, what it means is that though it's population is decreasing, it is not critically low. It is mostly found in the thick forest of Cross River State National Park and The prestigious Okumu National Park.

Threats to Survival: The following threats exposed the cat to danger and they include;

DeforestationHuntingPrey Decline

Deforestation leads to the destruction of their possible hideout this causing a threat to the golden cat.

The hunting of this species is as a result of communities seeking for their fur. Also, this cat faces devastating influence due to the farmer's protective chemicals.

It is true that people would always want to be in regions where this food. In the case of the cat, the gradual declination in their prey, makes the golden cat migrate to where they will be prey.

Legal Protection: The golden Cat is protected under the Nigeria's Endangered Species Acts (2004) and listed in CITES APPENDIX II, which means that trading this animal is highly restricted and should not be practiced. In addition, series of conservation efforts such as construction of reserves and the creation of awareness on the need to protect this animal to avoid extinction are being carried out by conservation bodies.

Summarily, Nigeria is a home of divers animals. However, several man made and natural factors mitigate the total well-being of this animals this leading to a gradual extinction despites the numerous laws safeguarding and protecting the animals.

I invite @impersonal, @zulbahri, @alexanderpeace and @bossj23 to join the contest


Sometimes it rings the domineering attitude in my mind. Nigeria is broad with different animals, name known and unknown. What economical Importance does these animals have other than food, someone once asked? Hunting has been an activity that has endangered the lives of so many rare species which may be the last of their kinds because of man's cravings for me and hunger as well. I'll call this a research project because you took your time to make this research but you can always source informations like references you get? just like @patjewell told me. It makes the list edible she would say. 😁😁😁👍😉 Thumbs up

This is power packed, thanks for passing by

I love the fact they you take out time to make research and create quality contents. It’s very demanding indeed. Creating quality content is work but most people would want to just scribble out anything and give. You will do well if you keep it up

My sincere appreciation, my boss and mentor. Who would learn from you without doing well?

Abeg oo
Me am still learning oo
I never even start 😂
No too hype me make my destiny helpers no pass me by Biko
I use God beg you🙏🤣

I don pass you already...🤣🤣

I beg no pass
Help me talk to ndi oga them to remember me 😂

Ahh boss you don enter 77
Abeg show me way ni
Are my a stone?

😁😁😁. Na your lead I dey follow oh. They milestone no easy.



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