Bouncing back with a power up

in Steem Kids & Parents3 days ago (edited)

1000026677.jpg from my wallet

Getting up to Steem

True strength is not walking through the hurdles of life without ever falling. It is getting up each time you do.

Edited from the Chronic Professional

When pushed around, I may slow down, and I may even stop momentarily. But I will always get back up. I may free my hands and let some weights fall off. Yet on my feet is where I will be after the storm and that is where I am.

Life is made up of the little that happens to us, and a lot of what we decide to do in response to what happened

It has always been a tug of war between circumstances on one hand and our personal response, on the other hand. It is a constant battle against all odds.
When fate, environment, the action of others, and unforeseen events gung up against attitude, perception, decision, and action and the outcome of this decisive battle is called you future.

It is not about making sure we never failed, it is all about making sure we get up every time after the fall and powering ourselves up, learning lessons and making sure we never again get hit by the same or similer mine.
Drawing inspiratio from a timeless Japanese proverb that captures the idea that you may fall seven times but make sure you get up eight times. Though the saying has a distinctly biblical ring to it, sounding like Proverbs 24:16

Getting back in to the club


With only a fraction of a steem less than half, available as liquid steem for power up. It looked bleak.
Then I realised I also had a fraction of SBD. It was time to go to the market, it was time to trade. I will be trading off 0.645 SBD in exchange for some Steem.

Trading SBD for steem


I needed to login with my active key to accomplish this task. Dropping the arrow at the STEEM DOLLARS secrion, the available options were: Transfer, Transfer to savings, Market and Trade.

Trade was a tempting option, but market was the correct option. So i went for market.


In the BUY STEEM section, I use the AVAILABLE and LOWEST ASK values, trying with 0.512 SBD which translated to 7.66 Steems, and that was good enough for me.
I made the trade and few minuits latter, my liquid steem went up by 7.66 steem.


Going back to the liquid steem section, I drop the arrow and selected power Up.
This will add my 7.895 steem to the existing 455.677 Steem Power.
This will put me back in to the club and hopefully i will maintain the club status this time.


I now have an updated steem power and will happily vote the little it can give you each time I see your post. Till that time when you will get a notification that I voted in your post. Be rest assured that I will only vote with 100% of what I now have.


To read more about me
